My LiL Oreo


New Member
My Mack Super Snow From big apple pet store! As they were selling babies for about 27$ Which is a lot cheaper then 200+$ for adults and their final adult color isn't as important as it's health and temperament to me. I Got it January 4th and it's my very first leopard gecko! It's very easy going, curious, though still a little timid around me.

At the moment I've settled on naming it Oreo till I get a better idea of it's gender and all that fun stuff.

Sorry for the picture Quality as I used my PSPs camera <<;

LiL darling is just under 4 inches (sorry no scale) and any comments advice and feed back on how Oreo looks is most welcomed.


New Member
Milford, Michigan
I'm not really sure on this, but that looks like a Mack Super Snow Enigma. Maybe someone else can clarify this. But it's really pretty, though. :main_yes:


Active Member
Southern Illinois
I'm not really sure on this, but that looks like a Mack Super Snow Enigma. Maybe someone else can clarify this. But it's really pretty, though. :main_yes:

I second that! :main_thumbsup: The pattern is way too irregular to be just a Super Snow. You made the big hit and got an SS Enigma for 27 bucks!! You would have paid around 120 dollars or more for that, normally. This is a very beautiful little gecko. Congrats!



New Member
First let me say nice leo and great price. But, There is no such thing as a Mack super snow. A mack snow is heterozygous for the snow gene and regular gene. Super snow is homozygous snow gene. The fact that he was marked as a mack super snow probably means one of his parents was a mack snow, the other was a super snow, giving him a 50% chance of being a mack or a super, but he is undoubtably one of the two. You can't tell which one definitively until he gets his adult coloring, but by the greyish shading he has on his back, i'm 90% sure that he's a mack snow. I too have a mack snow, mine's a mack snow stripe though. But, i got him at just over 6" 2 days ago for $40, w/ a very nicely regenerated tail. Here he is, Notice the the greyish shading on his back, super snows don't have any shading at all, just spots.

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New Member
First let me say nice leo and great price. But, There is no such thing as a Mack super snow. A mack snow is heterozygous for the snow gene and regular gene. Super snow is homozygous snow gene. The fact that he was marked as a mack super snow probably means one of his parents was a mack snow, the other was a super snow, giving him a 50% chance of being a mack or a super, but he is undoubtably one of the two. You can't tell which one definitively until he gets his adult coloring, but by the greyish shading he has on his back, i'm 90% sure that he's a mack snow. I too have a mack snow, mine's a mack snow stripe though. But, i got him at just over 6" 2 days ago for $40, w/ a very nicely regenerated tail. Here he is, Notice the the greyish shading on his back, super snows don't have any shading at all, just spots.


That aint no stripe mack snow yours IS a super snow. Theres is definatly a super snow enigma! Mack Super snow is just another term for them:/ I know breeders who have been breeding for 10+ years and call them mack super snows and i know breeders who have just started that just call them supers. Yours is a super snow. I have a mack stripe. I have a stripe super snow bell albino that looks similar to yours just albino and with its tail.


New Member
I'll be keeping as best a record of it's pattern shifts as it matures with my psp camera.

It does sound like I got a nice deal huh? we'll just have to see what Oreo does as it grows! ^^

Also here's a link to the page that inspired the purchase. Though it says just Super snow the container Oreo arrived in said Mack Super Snow but who knows for sure? Oreo's a happy little gecko with a wonderful personality so far! I can only hope for a happy 20 or so years of geckoness!


New Member
definatly a steal of a deal! I cant say Bigg apple herps that great:/ Ive bought 2 of my first from there...One has a type of worm...BECAUSE they take in wild caughts...>.< There not that clean but hes being treated now and is expected to be fine but its a skin parasite...Plus i ordered a high yellow. they sent me a SHTCTB NOT that im conplaing!XD lol There just a very...packed place and things are done quickly. Im a HUGE fan of snow enigmas and will be getting 4 soon(plus i got one now) so i can say without a dout in my mind hes a super enigma. His patterns would be in more so now being that old. His spotting would be getting bigger and not comming in still. and again it is Mack super snow. There are many lines of snows so its mack super snow since there are TUGS, line breds, and the F one i cant think of. Mack super snow is just a nother term.

Gecko Euphoria

New Member
Kaianuanu Hey I just read your post and I think you may be a little confused on mack snows. If you breed two mack snows together or a super snow and a mack snow you can and will get Super snows!!! Super snows are Mack snows which carry two Alleles, a super version of the mack snow. I just thought I could be helpful to you since I have worked with this morph since they arrived on the scene. I can tell you that your gecko is not a striped mack snow it is 100% for sure a Mack super snow. Super snows can have gray shades between their spots in fact some of them display darker shades than others. The gecko I use in my avatar I use as my link is a baby mack super snow. The number one telling signal to me that your gecko is a mack super snow is the jet black eclipse eyes which are a tell tale sign of a mack super snow, they also have the striped spotted uniform pattern with the whitish base color < The thing super snows lack is the yellow coloration which a regular mack snow can show. Super snows do exist and with many years working with this morph yours in my opinion is most definietly a super snow!!! I hope this makes sence and doesn't offend you. I just thought I could help you better understand your gecko and the Mack snow genes. If you still need some confirmation I know has a great step by step explanation and a book on how super snows are made and what they look like and how they genetically exist. Good luck, a beautiful gecko you have for sure, and the little $27 super snow enigma looks awesome and is a steal, congrats.

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