My new additions from the reptile expo :) From Jett Exotics


New Member
Austin, Texas
Sooo I went to the show last weekend and picked up some beauties from Bryan (Jett Exotics) he's very nice and has my type of leos :)

I had a lot of fun meeting everyone. So, a lot of people I met didn't know who I was except Robin...she's the only one I introduced myself to. :p

I saw Kelli, Landen, Robin, and Bryan...and I THINK I saw Adam.
Landen had a little girl Nova that I had my eyes on and a tremper, that I kept going back to his table for. :main_rolleyes: But I got Bryan's instead :p

Here they are!

The first set of three pics are of my new Female RAPTOR who Bryan named Rose, I think I'll keep the name :) Hatched 10-07 proven breeder, I was going to buy one of her babies then spotted her.

The next sec of three pics are my new Female RERS Nova :) Hatched 6-8-09. She's a bit lighter than the pics show her.

They are both dolls :) They seem so thin to me, maybe I'm wrong. :main_laugh:
I LOVE those red eyes!!!!!!!!! Never seen them before!

I hope you like them! :main_thumbsup:
...They are cuter in person :p
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