they look great! some people can sex them at around 7 grams and up. ive never really been good a it myself. always just waited till there 15-20 grams and usually the hemi's drop.
Great looking gargs! How old are they? I've got a 90% accuracy rate on sexing mine from when they hatch....but I have an eye for it and have to spend a little time with the hatchling to get to know them; look them over or look for pores (which is really hard on a red/orange base color garg). Do you have a clearer photo of garg#1's vent area (maybe a pose like the last photo of garg#2). Also, do you have any underside photos to see if we can zoom in to look for pores.
That orange one is CRAZY pretty! IMO, there's just not enough attention given to the color orange in the species.
No help from me on the sexing. Gargs are notoriously difficult to sex, and I think it's unlikely you'll be able to provide a good enough picture for us to help. Just get a 30x loupe with a light on it and spend some time looking at both of them. Hopefully you have a pair so you'll be able to compare the two. Look for the pores...
Finally I confirmed they are both female, they should be new force to my breeding group next year~ ~
I expect the orange one produce nice color babies.
Very nice. Do you know the weight now? Is it just me, or is what used to be orange now turning red? Either way, it's plenty cool, I just really like orange.
This may be a silly question, I have never owned gargs and just started reseraching them a little while ago, but do they normally get lighter as they get older?
Not necessarily. The same animal that is dark when fired up may be light when unfired. The same animal in this thread may still look like the first set of photos sometimes, and then like the second set at other times. All gargs are like this, but they can change somewhat as they grow into adulthood.