Name that Morph!!!


Island Reptiles
Just as the title says :)



Island Reptiles
Looks Emerine to me...

Actually in person this little ones head has a lot of green tone on her.

As for the morph this is my little w&y mack snow :)

Thanks for playing guess that morph :)

Yes I know I am simple minded hahaha but I was bored earlier when I decided to post this.


New Member
Denver, CO
I've not seen a White and Yellow in person yet... it does some interesting things, though. That gecko has a TON of orange in it for being Mack Snow, that's why I did not guess in that direction. The black spots denote that it's not hypomelanistic... Nice looking little critter no matter what!


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I know green usually doesn't photograph well but I would be hard pressed to say that it has a "lot" of green on her. Not a huge fan of W&Y myself but that is a nice little gecko there. Have any hatch-ling pics?

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
What I'd like to see is an "Emerine" that actually has tons of green tones on it. That's the direction the morph was supposed to go when Tremper introduced it. All I see is orange in the Emerines posted these days. If you want to see actual green in geckos, look at the Pacific greens….now those have a lot of green tones.

As for the W/Y in this thread, I think it's really nice, but I thought that the white sides would have been a little higher. Take a picture from the side if you can Owens. I'm very interested in this morph, but haven't begun to work with it yet. Maybe I'll wait until you produce some marble eye W/Y's so we can finally do that deal!

I doubt he has hatchling pictures Travis, as that little guy came from TUG if I remember correctly.


Island Reptiles
you are right chris, she came from tug, there is a thread here somewhere from when I first got her last fall. I will see if I can find it.

Just went and got the pic that TUG sent me of her when she was 12g

and once again this is her now
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Island Reptiles
As for the W/Y in this thread, I think it's really nice, but I thought that the white sides would have been a little higher. Take a picture from the side if you can Owens. I'm very interested in this morph, but haven't begun to work with it yet. Maybe I'll wait until you produce some marble eye W/Y's so we can finally do that deal!

I will try to get a pic of her sides sometime this week for you. I am hoping that when she is ready to breed my male marble will be fully healed and ready to go after that prolapse he had right after xmas. we will have to fly to a agreed upon meeting place chris and make the trade :deal2::banana:

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