Nasty ex's who keep your reptiles after the break up



I recently adopted a juvi bearded dragon in memory of my beloved Homer. I had adopted Homer (by myself) from a Marine who was going off to Iraq. I love Homer dearly and after the break up, this nameless nasty ex kept Homer claiming he was better of with him...blah blah blah He also kept one of my giant male leos. Though Homer is in good hands, I will never get to see him again. It just plain STINKS! And the new girlfriend thinks Homer and Elvis (the leo) are her children now....taking pictures of them and posting them on the web with cutsey, lame, captions about them.....ERRRRR

I was just thinking of this today as I feed Slash, my new Beardie.... and It made me so pissy....Sorry, I just had to rant. Anyone had this experience? It just makes me want to remain single!! I miss my children......


New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
Ex's are a big pain. My ex killed 3 three toed box turtles of mine and still has my leopard tortious unless she killed that now also.

They keep them out of spit I think. Just because they know you want them back. I think that is very evil.


Thats terrible John!!! I know for certain, no death will become of my Homer at the hands or my ex or his poseur herpin girlfriend, but jeeze, anyone who knowingly, espcially out of spite, commits an act of neglect that leads to death, should really be sent away. Thats awful. I agree with the fact that it was all in spite, but killer spite, thats an all time low in a break up. I would seriously find out what the status is of your tort...That is worrisome.


New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
The stories I could tell about my exwife. I have not had any contact with her in a good 3 years. She tried to sue the city for something and had me supened. I told them I thought all parties involved including her were lying. That was last contact.
I am a big believer in Fate. If something is ment to happen it will. I am now married to an awesome woman that loves and suports anything I do, even if I have around 25 leopard geckos and counting lmao


I'm so happy to hear that you remarried and are doing very well....It really gives me some hope to hear that...LOL

And its great that she puts up with the 25 leos....hopfully someone will put up with all of mine.


New Member
Did you pay for your leo and beardie? If you did then your ex has no right to say he can keep them.


Dunn, "give it a bath"....LOL, thanks for the laugh!

Chris, I did not pay for the beardie, it was more that the owner had two days to leave for the Middle East and was asking no fee, but instead, a good home. The Leo, even though it was a shady, craigslist transaction, I did pay $100 for him and the tank. The seller even considered it a "rescue"...Ha for $100, but I was willing to pay to get the leo out of the situation he was in. Its not about the money though, I was quite attached to them.

As far as I am concerned, It was a big loss for me, losing the animals that is...not him.


New Member
That sucks that you lost them in the breakup. I would never let my babies go to my boyfriend if we broke up. He knows I'd fight to the death to keep them in any situation. If it were me, being the devious little person I am, I would use all sorts of trickery to get them back. That's probably just because I like animals more than people though.


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
haha. That would be awesome!

I'm sorry to hear about all of this. It makes me feel lucky to have Matt.

If I were in your shoes, I would have taken the animals no matter what. I would have even taken it to court if it got that far. Ex's are awful sometimes. In highschool, I was with a guy for about 2.5 years. I broke up with him because he was immature. After that, he and his friends hurrassed me for an entire year until we all graduated. That was awful. :( So, I get your upset feelings about how obnoxious it is to see those pictures. That would piss me off to see any poser herpist...uggg


New Member
I have my boyfriend's ball python. Granted I paid for him and he's always been in my extra cages, my boyfriend has always taken the purchase as a gift bc of a story from when he was a kid. Which wasn't the case. I'd always wanted a snake, and he LOVES snakes at the time we were living together and I could get all the animals my parents wouldn't let me have (hamsters, rats, snakes).

I bought him, grabbed a cage and accessories from my parent's house, and we all lived happy until I moved out. The snake stayed with him till he got into some trouble and went on vacation. I took the snake back, and he's lived with me ever sense

I recently told him that he could have he snake back if he could find his own cage. If we break up I want to make sure I at least have my cages. I hate to admit it, but I'm bored with the snake. I'll stick with geckos, lizards, dogs, and rats.


Mod Squad Member
Reading all of these stories makes me thankful my hubby's not a reptile guy - seriously.

People can just suck sometimes. I'm really sorry to read all of your stories. :main_angry:


yea my boyfriend has bought two of my geckos but I wouldn't let him keep them. And then my ex two years ago bought me my frist two geckos. And I told him to take me to f***ing court because he wasn't getting them. He just wanted them because he paid for them. They were a gift to me. I took care of them. and they lived at my house. He never touched them and when he did he would drop them. They are now 2 years old and very healthy. My boyfriend however keeps his 3 crested geckos here and his ball python. I don't think it would be a bad break up but it would def take a while to get stuff settled!

Double LY

The Gecko Prince said:
Reading all of these stories makes me thankful my hubby's not a reptile guy - seriously.

LOL, tell me about it. My husband always says (heaven forbid) we ever got divorced I'd be easy as pie with split custody of the kids, but I'd fight to the death over the animals :eek:


wow. I would do everything possible to get my "kids" back. my animals are my babies. I'm even protective of my dog from my sister. Not that I should ever worry if my sis ended up with her, in fact shed probably be even more spoiled if she went with my sis, but i'm so attached to her that if shes not with me i freak out.
No one in my family wants my gecko, guess thats for the best. I get to spoil her all on my own.

how long has your ex had your kid?


For about a year. I just feel so slighted......There is only one way I can get them back and it would be to work with the local animal shelter, who i do some volunteer work for, but they would get him evicted and locked up for animal hoarding....and I know this for a fact....I don't want to do that, becuase except for the fact that he has huge, semi aboreal, migratory snakes stuffed into small racks, they are taken care of. I have let it go, I just get sad every once in a while thinking about my animals. He's a teribble, selfish man. I've moved on and I recently met someone who rocks my world with his reptile knowledge and rattlesnake grabbing skills....and isn't a selfish A-hole with an animal hoarding problem and a boring girlfriend....The ex can only dream about doing the stuff this guys does with reptiles....and thats better than any sort of revenge...

Oppss, i'm sorry to have gone off like that....That wasn't mature of me. I'll STFU.
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im sorry. at least theyre taken care of. i have a recent ex, as of last month, im glad he didnt like my little leo and steal her and take her up to philly, where hes moved to now. he never bough me anything but one christmas present anyway and we dated for a year and half and complained every time i wanted him to buy me food. all he cared for was his precious cars.
i wish you luck with your awesome new herp man! its always good to find someone better than the last. hope it works out with this one!!!

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