Well here I am again with something that is pulling at my heart strings. My dog "Onyx" is a German Shepherd, she is 9 almost 10 years old and she also has been a Search and Rescue dog for many Sheriff departments. Last March I noticed she was kinda limping off and on but it didn't seem bad, she had just had a puppy and I figured it was from the pregnancy. By May she was draging her right leg off and on so I took her to the Vet. He said it seemed like she had a spinal problem pushing on the nerves. X-rays were negative and she did feel pain in the toes. They suggest a MRI but that cost around $2000.00 and then what? if she has a spinal tumor thats fatal,if its a disk problem it is possible to fix it but surgery is VERY expensive and lastly what happens if it shows nothing? Then what do I do? I had planned on getting her a wheelchair but now she has had accidents in the house, yet she can control her bladder and bowels so I do not understand this. I am noticing that she now drags that leg all the time and her left leg can't hold up her weight so she twists and falls over, while down she goes to the bathroom. I cry all the time because I do not have alot of choices. Put her to sleep or spend tons of money that I do not have until my late mothers house sells. Winter is really hard on her too. Not sure how we can handle the snow when it comes. So please I need your advice,and the reasons you choose what you would do? Here I am a Emergency Animal Health Specialist, yet I am freaking out over my dog. Below( next post, for some reason they didn't post in this post) is some pictures of her. This is how she stands if she gets up and the picture of her laying down is how she goes to the bathroom. Her muscle tone in the hind area is going away as well. I do have a special device to hold her back end up but she won't go to the bathroom when its on and I am so close to her. I love her with all my heart and I have had her from birth so this is so hard to decide whats best for her. So please be honest I will not feel bad or think you are bad for your advice. I just want to do whats right. Thanks Deb
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