Need help. Somthing wrong with my LG

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
The icb has the perfectly measured ratio of everything needed for your leo and actually has a lower level of D3 than most calcium D3 combos as it's meant for dusting every feeding.
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New Member
Hello sorry it took a while to answer.

Most of the leo gex keepers here keep at least two hide boxes.

One is the standard hide. Which is the room temperature hide.

The other one is the moist box. If the leo wants to escape the heat, then it would go to the moist box.

That is what I was told. And from what I have observed.

And we really do not keep heating mats/pads here. Except for lighting setups which are highly recommended for most reptiles that need sunlight.

The moist boxes are not primarily for the purpose of escaping heat, but to aid in shedding. In the wild, this is done by staying in burrows underground, where the soil is more moist - it is cooler there as well, because it is underground and not in the sun. However, a moist box in a tank does not work the same way. More than likely your moist box is going to be the same as your room temperature, unless you are constantly adding cold water.

If there is no temperature gradient in the tank, there isn't much of a way for a leo to thermoregulate itself, whether it be in the heat of the day/summer, or in the cool of night/winter.

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