Need help....


New Member
McDonough, Ga
Alright, I have finally gotten sick of it, and decided that I need to start watching what I am eating, loose some weight and live a healthier lifestyle. I have tried this a few times before, only to do good for a week, then take one day "off" and that turns into a week, that turns into a month, and I turn into a blimp, lol. My wife an myself have decided enough is enough, and now is the time. What I am asking for help with is, if anyone has any tips, of anykind involving weight loss, tips for HEALTHY fast food, anything like that, I am looking for all I can get. I was also thinking if anyone else is doing the same thing or thinking about it, that they might join in and have a "Biggest Loser" thread started where we can encourage each other, teach each other on how to live healthier lifestyles. Any help or tips are greatly appreciated. Lets do this!!

P.S. I have set a goal as well, I want to be 200 lbs by Daytona this year, and I am determined to get this done!!


Mod Squad Member
Good for you!!!

Since you're asking..........Try incorporating walking into every day. If you can walk for 30 minutes most days of the week, it's a huge boost. Also, if you can cut out the sodas you're off the a great start!!!

I'll totally cheer you on - go get 'em!!!!!!! :main_thumbsup:


New Member
McDonough, Ga
The Gecko Prince said:
Good for you!!!

Since you're asking..........Try incorporating walking into every day. If you can walk for 30 minutes most days of the week, it's a huge boost. Also, if you can cut out the sodas you're off the a great start!!!

I'll totally cheer you on - go get 'em!!!!!!! :main_thumbsup:

Thanks Debbie, I appreciate it, we have a treadmill that I plan on using daily as well as a nice park or two to get out and walk at, and you hit the nail on the head, sodas (Dr. Pepper inpaticular are my weakness!!) and I do not have any in the refrigerator, so it will stay that way. I have drink them so long, I am sure I will get the headaches that come along with quiting something like that, but so what, I will get through it.


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
I dont know If this helps, But everyone thinks Im trying to loose weight at work when I eat salads, (with and with out chicken) and drink lotsa vitamin water. Really fast food is horrible for you, but sooooo good. So mabye try salads? LOL Im not much help...but I do wish you best of luck in your venture:)


My hubby and I are trying as well. So far we've been doing okay. We've eliminated fast food, except for the occassional 6 in subway sub, but that is few and far between. We have also been walking. Good luck on your endeavors! Keep us updated.


New Member
McDonough, Ga
Thanks Chris, but my main problem all my life is, I HATE SALADS, lol, everything in them, hate lettuce, tomatos, all that rabbit food, and man, If I just liked salads dieting would be so much easier!!


New Member
McDonough, Ga
GeckoTeach said:
My hubby and I are trying as well. So far we've been doing okay. We've eliminated fast food, except for the occassional 6 in subway sub, but that is few and far between. We have also been walking. Good luck on your endeavors! Keep us updated.

Thank you, go luck to you two as well, keep me updated as to your progress!!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have had some luck with the South Beach diet. It focuses on changing the way a person eats in a long term way rather than going on a "diet" until the weight is lost. If you are interested I recommend that you read the book before deciding ("The South Beach Diet" by Dr. Arthur Agatston). ALso, there are now all sorts of stuff in the grocery stores packaged as "south beach diet" food. There's no need to get that stuff. It's just regular stuff with fancy (and probably expensive) packaging.

Good luck,


The Sunset Gang

I know this may sound bad, but my mom and I have used Weight Watchers with great success. And they mean it when they say you can have your cake and eat it too. With Weight Watchers along with excercise, my mom lost about 50 and i lost about 15. I was mainly doing it to support her. It has a point system where, I think, every 50 calories is one point. And based on your gender and weight, you get a "total" points for the day. PM me if you wanna know anything else.


Mod Squad Member
The Sunset Gang said:
I know this may sound bad, but my mom and I have used Weight Watchers with great success. And they mean it when they say you can have your cake and eat it too. With Weight Watchers along with exercise, my mom lost about 50 and i lost about 15. I was mainly doing it to support her. It has a point system where, I think, every 50 calories is one point. And based on your gender and weight, you get a "total" points for the day. PM me if you wanna know anything else.

I don't think it sounds bad at all!!! I personally think both Weight Watchers and the South Beach diet are both very viable, healthy ways to eat healthier. :main_thumbsup:

And Chris, I know what you mean about the hubby has been cutting WAAAAAAAY back, and I'm going to be doing the same thing by May (my goal time). I drink Cherry Coke Zero and Coke Zero, but I need to slow down a smidge too. :main_yes:


New Member
I'm trying to lose weight too. My goal is to lose about 20 pounds by graduation, which is in May. I love the Lean Cuisine meals. You can easily stay in your calorie range, and most of them taste pretty good. The sweet and sour chicken is my absolute favorite. The only downside is it takes about a week to get used to the portions. They're pretty small, but I guess potion control is part of eating healthy.

And the thing that keeps me going is that I'm allowing myself small treats every once in a while, as long as it won't put me over my 1500-1600 calories per day. I'm a chocoholic and the occassional treat helps me from breaking my diet. So far I've lost about 10 pounds.

I sprained my ankle about 3 weeks ago. So as it starts getting to the point where I can walk on it more without causing damage, I plan on walking 30 minutes a day. So hopefully that should help with losing the weight.

Finally, I totally think it would be a good idea to support each other here on GF. I love knowing that other people are trying to lose weight too, and being able to talk to them about it and exchange ideas. :)


hey Shaun.... GOOD FOR YOU!

I'll tell ya... I've been putting off changing my diet and exercise habits for quite a while. In the last two weeks, I've begun roughly planning out my meals, eating almost 100% organic food, and completely cutting things like starbucks, sodas, mcdonalds, kfc, etc etc.

I've already put off a few pounds, and I feel like $1000 bucks! I have much more energy and I'm a lot happier. I suggest trying to eat as much whole wheat and whole grains as possible, eat lots of fruit, drink lots of water... and of course, cut the soda/starbucks completely.

This has worked for me, and I'm looking forward to putting off these 40 lbs that I've gained in the last year. Really... 40 pounds! I got really sick, and just started eating bad and stuff... and the pounds packed on. I'm totally down for a 'Biggest Loser, GeckoForums Style!"

I'll be cheering for you!!!!


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Awesome Idea! Good For you for wanting to shed some pounds! Matt and I will join into the "Biggest Loser" thread. We aren't overweight but we can stand to get back into shape. Been out of the gym for about 2 months now...goodness. lol. So, we can help encourage everyone!

Plus, I am going to be a dietician in a few years and I would love to try to make a meal plan for someone. I have only made a meal plan for myself...I think it would be cool to try it on someone. Anyone want to be my guinee pig? :D



New Member
Weymouth MA
I'm a horrible junk food junky (chocolate to gummy bears etc). What works best for me is finding cook or diet books that actually make food I like. It'll take some time to find. I personally HATE the word diet. As soon as you say it everyone's like "ohhh". I'm simply trying to eat less junk. Honestly as you learn to eat healthier you're going to find that you start to like some of that rabbit food stuff :)

3 tips:

1. Water--get a big bottle & drink it all day long. If you truly can't stand the lack of flavor find a low calorie, sugar free additive. Helps fill you up & it's the best drink for ya.

2. Walk--just get moving. You'll pick up the pace or distance as you start to see results.

3. Write it down--you don't have to show anyone, but a food journal will help you realize when you are crashing. Once you can pin point your weaknesses you can be prepared for them. Start out with lists of what you eat & time of day. Work your way towards portion sizing & sneaking in healthy stuff like adding shredded carrots, spinach and/or egg plant to your spaghetti sauce.

Good luck. Nothing's harder than beating up your own hungry horrors! OK, maybe kicking your butt out the door to the gym at the end of a long day is, but you've got a goal so GO FOR IT!


I did really well on Atkins... but I also ate a lot of tofu and seafood, not red meat, and took supplements.


New Member
McDonough, Ga
Come on Matt and Mallorie, jump on in. I have been going for 3 days now, drastically cutting how much I eat (portion control was a big problem), my portion was usually the whole freakin thing. I am doing well, stomachs still singing after eating because I am use to eating much more, but they will subside after a few days. I quit the soft drinks, headaches haven't been bad at all, only had one, it was no big deal. So, everything is looking up, food isn't bad, I just need to figure out somemore things to do with chickin, geez, that and fish is about the only good meats to eat, haha. Any chicken tips?


New Member
i understand the portion control problem i still have trouble with that at times, i was told to eat about the amount i can fit in my hand per sitting and to eat every 2-3 hrs i also take a few supplements too mainly because my trainer suggested to do all this if i wanted to survive his workouts and he was right lol.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Chicken ideas: I make a lot of chicken with (low calorie) sauces. If you cook a piece of chicken wrapped in aluminum foil the flavor of the sauce gets baked in even better. Here's what the kids like:

salsa and frozen corn niblets
honey mustard and tamari
green pepper and crushed pineapple
coconut milk and curry spices

Also, if there's some ingredient you think would go well with chicken, google chicken + (ingredient) + recipe and you'll get a lot of nice stuff.

I also did a lot of stir fry with chunks of chicken and veggies. Works well with swordfish, tuna or salmon as well. The kids really like teriyaki chicken: cube skinless and boneless chicken breasts and cook in tamari. They eat it on sub rolls; I eat it with brown rice and veggies.


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