Need help....



I have done weight watchers and did amazing while on it, the prob is after I lost it I got lazy again. It truly is a very easy and flexible plan that allows you to eat the occasional I want fast food meal :p


~Louisiana Leos~
Hammond, LA
Hey Shaun! Good for you for wanting to do this for yourself! I am not really overweight, but I could definitely stand to lose a few and get healthier. I can't say I've really dieted, but what I try to do is just eat healthier whenever I can. I change little things in my daily foods, like Brittney said, eat more whole grains, fruit, and drink more water in place of other drinks. I ONLY eat whole grain wheat bread now, and eat fruit ALL the time! But it is one of my favorite foods so it's not that hard for me to do. I also drink a lot of juice, which really can be bad if you drink too much, so 100% fruit juices and mostly water are your best bet drink wise.

Also, I don't know if you, or any one else, has heard of this, but I started watching a show on TLC called "I Can Make You Thin" is a link:

It just started showing on last Sunday and will show for the next few weeks I assume, giving you more tips as it goes along. The first show was just the 4 golden rules, which are:
1. When you're hungry, eat!
2. Eat what you want! Not what you think you should.
3. Eat conciously (meaning that after every bite you have to put your fork or food down and chew your food before you pick up your food/fork and take another bite)
4. Don't eat in excess (of course meaning, stop when you're full)

What I took from the first show was that you need to be aware of what you are eating, even if it is the most unhealthy foods and you will eventually start to realize that what you are eating doesn't taste good, and that you will start to want healthier foods. I think all in all it's a good idea, but it's hard to do, if you have the will power though, go for it!

Hope that wasn't too much information! Good luck to you Shaun! And I'm all for the "Biggest Loser" Geckoforums style!


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Hey Shaun! Why couldn't you have decided this last year, I would have joined in the "Biggest Loser" program :) I have lost (+/_ a few pounds) 50 lbs since last Feb and have managed to keep it off.

One good tip is not to give everything up all at once and all at the same time. Slowly remove the "Bad" foods from your diet. If you give them up too quickly you will become frustrated and will be more apt to quit the diet altogether.

Another good tip is to eat "Natural" foods, I don't mean just nuts and berries, because i would be dead right now if that were the case! I mean eat stuff that's not processed or "Made" by humans.
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New Member
McDonough, Ga
Jeanne said:
Hey Shaun! Why couldn't you have decided this last year, I would have joined in the "Biggest Loser" program :) I have lost (+/_ a few pounds) 50 lbs since last Feb and have managed to keep it off.

One good tip is not to give everything up all at once and all at the same time. Slowly remove the "Bad" foods from your diet. If you give them up too quickly you will become frustrated and will be more apt to quit the diet altogether.

Another good tip is to eat "Natural" foods, I don't mean just nuts and berries, because i would be dead right now if that were the case! I mean eat stuff that's not processed or "Made" by humans.

Sorry Jeanne, I just recently got the "tesitcular fortitude" (hope that is acceptable) to give up the foods that I love, and that is all the bad crap. I will weigh myself every 2 weeks instead of every week so that I don't get discouraged seeing a low number after a week, instead hopefully I will see a bigger number after two. In order to get to my goal weight by the Daytona show, I would have loose 60 pounds, ugh you do the math, good thing I am almost 6' 3", haha.



I have some great chicken recipes that I just love... I'll have to shoot you an email or something. Most of them are pretty healthy, and can be adapted to fit your taste. :)


New Member
Hmm, funny thing. I am on vacation now, and I see that things aren't as easy as they used to be. I have a HUGE amount of upper body strength(not bragging), and a lot of fat. I'm not interested in loosing weight, but getting back into shape, and changing the fat into muscle.

I pledged to myself to get back into shape and stay that way. Ive never been skinny, but really let myself go. Sounds stupid coming from a kid, but its what I have pledged to do.

My problem is, I eat ALOT between meals. I know, that if I cut that out, I am in good shape. (No Pun intended :main_laugh:)

I WILL get back into shape once I get home. :main_thumbsup:

Good luck with you and your diet.


New Member
Weymouth MA
acpart said:
Chicken ideas:
salsa and frozen corn niblets
honey mustard and tamari
green pepper and crushed pineapple
coconut milk and curry spices

Aliza--you're making me HUNGRY!! I've got to say add in some black beans & cilantro to the salsa combo & serve it up over some whole grain style rice. Delicious!!


New Member
I have a good chicken recipe, and it came from weight watchers. Put 1 can of diet soda and a cup of ketchup in a fry pan with about 2-3 chicken breasts and stir. Allow to simmer for about a half hour, flipping the chicken every now and again. The sauce will thicken enough to coat the back of the spoon. You can't really over cook the chicken, unless it burns on the bottom of the pan. I always use a thermometer to just make sure the chicken is cooked all the way.

I serve the chicken and sauce over rice. I like white, but brown is better for you. This recipe doesn't yield a lot of sauce. So if you like sauce take another pot and make some more sauce in it. :)


A big thing with me that keeps the pounds on is milk. I'm freaking addicted. I literally go through about a gallon every 2-3 days, By myself. It's sad to admit but I love the stuff. I'm drinking a glass right now haha. If I were to cut that out of my diet I would drop weight very rapidly. Awhile ago I went vegan for 5 months and dropped about 40-50 pounds. I felt great, my skin cleared up. It was awesome. Of course, it didn't last long haha....damn McDonalds.:D

But anyway, becoming a vegetarian or even better, a vegan is the best/healthiest diet you can go on. Vegetarians live an average of 10 years longer than meat eaters. It clears up your skin, it reverses heart disease. It's good for the enviroment. It's just an all around great thing to do.

Now that the summer is aproaching I'm thinking of getting on a diet as well. Besides the milk, another one of my weaknesses is coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Oh and I smoke haha. I'm a horrible person....:(



New Member
McDonough, Ga
Mmm, I love me some milk as well, I could drink about that much myself, I don't, but I easily could, I love it. I have cut that out now, except for a cup of 2% here and there, very limited.


New Member
McDonough, Ga
Ok, well for the most part I have been doing well, but I am first to admit that I have cheated a few times, not a couple, but a few. My problem is the cravings, and being too hungry when I get home from work, and eating too much. I need to find something really healthy to snack on throughout the day, so that I will not be so hungry late at night. Anyone have any tips for stopping your cravings??? Any help is appreciated, and I just wanted to update everyone, and throughout this I am going to be upfront and honest the whole way.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Here are snacks that work for me, on the South Beach (low carb) model:

celery or tart apple and peanut butter
pistachio nuts (in the shell, so you have to work to get them out)
Dannon low carb yogurt
Lindt 85% cocoa chocolate, only 2 squares at a time
Babybel light little cheeses
cheese sticks
ricotta cheese with either cut up fruit or cocoa powder and vanilla mixed in

It's also a good idea to plan 3 meals and a healthy snack in between meals so you don't get too hungry because being hungry I think causes us to choose something to eat unwisely


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
acpart said:
It's also a good idea to plan 3 meals and a healthy snack in between meals so you don't get too hungry because being hungry I think causes us to choose something to eat unwisely



Let's Go Bears!
Wow, I can't believe I missed this thread. I lost about 25lb. in roughly 3 months about a year and a half ago and have kept it off. I've done it all from Southbeach, Atkins and pills. What worked for me is exercise and eating more times thoughout the day. I run, weightlift, mountainbike and play various sports throughout the week. I used to eat only twice a day but now eat like 4 to 5 times. Here is an example:

Breakfast = 2 eggs and a coffee
pre-lunch = lowfat cheese stick
lunch = sandwhich
pre-dinner = nuts or some fruit
dinner = regular food (even fast food as long as it's not a HUGE dinner)
And if I'm hungry before bed, some sugar free jello.

Every book you read or any website you get into says the same thing: "eat less calories than your body burns on a daily basis and you'll see results." This is basically true but also dependant on everyone's metabolism.

Most of us don't have time to exercise so we revert to fad diets. The problem with this is that we really can't live on a single diet for the rest of our lives. They're meant for us to slim down for a while but if we go back to eating "normal" again, we gain everything back and sometimes more. For most of us, exercise is the key.

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