A new pet store opened in town, just a family owned place. So far I have been impressed with the reptiles in their care. They have appropriate sized environments, heat pads instead of lamps, they are fed plenty, given good hiding places, and kept clean. I got both Clementine and Freddie from there, both were at least a couple months old. Then a couple days ago, I noticed a tiny new gecko. I asked about it and it came in a couple weeks ago and, along with another, got lost in a decoration in the cage. They tried waiting to see if they'd come out on their own, but after a couple days they hadn't emerged, so they broke the decoration and freed them. The other one died not long after. It has been 2 weeks since then and two different people have told me that he has grown a lot since. It just happened that I picked Freddie up a new tank (a 20 long, she's in a 10) at a yard sale this morning. I wasn't going to get him, since he was so small, but when I went to see him today he had stuck shed and no humid hide. My sister reminded me that Echo was this small when I got him, he's 95 grams now. I had the tank space, heating pad, and had already decided to get one more, a normal this time (which he is). So I did it. I let him hang out in a deli cup with a wet paper towel while I set up Freddie's new tank and cleaned her old cage for new guy. He's active and spunky. I gave him a cricket and 2 small mealies and he ate them quickly. Hopefully he will continue to do well. I named him Hugo.