
New Member
K, well these guys are awesome! I am snake owner and was never into geckos but at the last white plains show I saw a bunch out in peoples hands and had to see what there about. I went home with a Lavender Harlequin and couldn't be happier. I just love there attitude, she just rests in my hands, or will hop from my hand to my chest. But a total hang-out gecko.

Shes 8 months old, and I got her in a 20 gallon tank. I have it setup pretty nice with nice plants, lots of hiding spots, and things to climb. My room is about 74 most of the time sometimes getting a little warmer. The only thing I wonder if its the right enclosure in terms of her finding food. I wanna spring for an exo-terra soooooo bad, but funds are somewhat tight. Maybe sooner then later, gotta see how things go. If I do what size exo-terra would be optimal for an adult? And with what I'm using now how do I know shes eating? I think I kinda have an overkill dish so I'm going to cut that tonight, but how much of the stuff of this should they be eating on a regular basis?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have my adult in an exoterra 12x12x18 since he was a baby, though I'm sure a crestie would love the bigger size too (mine is fine in his). I give him 1/2 tsp of CGD, mixed with 1 tsp of water 3 times a week and 4-5 crickets 2 times a week. I've never seen him eating the CGD but I see footprints in it and he's big and healthy. Try not to worry too much about how much it's eating; just offer regularly and make sure it's growing.



New Member
I have my adult in an exoterra 12x12x18 since he was a baby, though I'm sure a crestie would love the bigger size too (mine is fine in his). I give him 1/2 tsp of CGD, mixed with 1 tsp of water 3 times a week and 4-5 crickets 2 times a week. I've never seen him eating the CGD but I see footprints in it and he's big and healthy. Try not to worry too much about how much it's eating; just offer regularly and make sure it's growing.


+1 :main_yes:


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
since at 8 months old they can seriously vary in size, I would suggest offering 2 small bowls out instead of one for awhile on either side of the cage to insure feeding does occure. But often it doesnt look like the geckos are eating much, so if you see poop then you know it is feeding. Just be sure that 3 sides of the tank have cover on them, and roughly 50% of the tank in general has plant cover and vines, and at least one hide spot on the floor.

Honestly it is much easier making a larger batch of CGD then tiny little batches at a time. Personally I make mine in a larger bottle, but then agai I do have 30 of But you can use things like old pill bottles to make up small batches as CGD stays fresh in the fridge for up to 7 days, makes life alot easier then making it every other day. Personally I dont offer crickets as they are not needed, but be sure you dust the crickets with a calcium dust or dust them with the CGD.

Depending on who you ask the 12 x 12 x 18 eco is perfectly fine. It is about equiv to 11 gallons, which an adult can easily live in a 10 gallon. I personally keep all my geckos in larger enclosures, I find they are more active and enjoy the extra bit of space. I have the exo's from the 12 x 12 x 12 size up to the 18 x18 x24 size, the little ones are used for older babies, the 12 x 12 x 17 is actually used for my phelsuma, and the 24 is for a pair of female cresteds. Now I personally prefer the Zilla cages, they are light, get plenty of air flow, and cheaper, and The smaller one is 18 gallons, even with shipping (which is only $13 throug Pangea), it is still a few bucks cheaeper then the exo.
And the nice thing is that if you want to turn it into a planted living viv, it is easy to convert the bottom screened area into a covered area to be filled with dirt, and with a several inches of dirt in there, the tank is still large enough for an adult, that isnt possibly with the 12 x 12 x18 exo as you will be then making it more like a 8 gallon tank.

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