New Gecko and how long.....


New Member
Some of you might have read about the new Bell Albino I received a week ago. I was told since she was the same size that I could just put her in with my Normal.

This seemed like a bad idea after I put her in the same tank. The Bell was visibly larger ( not much longer really ) and I decided to just put her in a 10 gal tank I had. Well, I had to change the hides because she would not go in them.

What I have noticed is with the new Bell, is she is far more, lets say stressed out then my Normal was. By this I mean, she is very skittish when I am in her tank cleaning or changing water..ect.

The other thing is she wants to always stay on the warm side, either in the hide or out on the floor. She is not using the cool side at all.

IMHO I think a 10 gal is too small for a Gecko that is the size of mine ( 7 inches) There just seems there is not enough floor space for a "thermoregulated" environment.

My observation has been this. She was raised her whole life in a plastic bin container with a Very regulated ( and small ) environment. Living in a box.

This one seems more, lets say, more stressed out to the change than my first. It's like she wants to go back HOME to her old Bin life.

So what suggestions do you guys have? She is not ( yet) warming up to feeding and tank maintenance. ( and Yes..... her temps are great.... 94 hot and 75 cool)

She is eating but no pooping every day.

I have not tried to handle her at all. In fact I think if I tried she would strike at me.


New Member
i suggest to leave her be and to let her settle in and keep stress to a minimum. also bell albinos have much more light sensitive eyes so when you go in and turn on the light it may be hurting her eyes.

let her bee and settle in. she is an adult and generally adults take more time to settle in that babies and juvies.


New Member
robin, correct me if I am wrong but they are not considered an adult till they reach around one year old and closer to max length. I thought she was what maybe called a sub-adult.

I have all intentions to let her be and keep stress down to a min. I also don't use bright lights near her either.

I am thinking of going to a 15 gal tank. I saw a big change in my Normal when given the extra floor space and how quickly she used both hot and cold hides. She is shedding as I speak and I assume in a couple of days that change would not be of any factor.


New Member
a seven inch leo is at least 45 grams probably larger. they can reproduce at that size. technically they may be considered an adult at a year old but when their body tells them they are sexually mature and able to breed (even if they are small and malnourished) they are an adult.


New Member
Yes... she is thick/fat or what ever and those are 6" tiles. I would guess if the Normal was 25 gr then the Bell would be 40. Seem like what you see?

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New Member
that normal is bigger that 20 grams. i would say more like 35 maybe 40 (you need to get a gram scale you can buy one in the housewares section or stationary section at walmart) i would be that bell is around 50 grams


New Member
OK.... I will assume she is an adult and given that she needs what ever time to get adjusted. So, is the 15 gal ( all I have room for) and good move to have more floor space and more area to move around in. It's like I said. A 10 gal is only a few steps for her and not much room to create a space to move around in to not only find but use the cool hide also to thermoregulate?
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New Member
Not knowing how some rate Geckos. Is the Bell average or above average in color and pattern, or any other factor such as Tail thickness and size?


New Member
different geckos acclaimate at different rates. I have had some that seem to be right at home right out of the container and others that have taken months to get adjusted. We have several that spend the majority of time in the warm hides. I also would always suggest a quarentine period......just my opinion


New Member
Is that a Bell rubym or tremper?

Bella just shed with no problems. Thats good. Yup, no 2 are a like. I guess it's just this dang learning curve. I know one thing. She is Quick! I guess with that and being skittish or reacting quicker ( might bite lol ) than our first has just.... thrown me the curve ball. That and the hanging out on the warm side all the time. I might just get a 15gal tank and set it up like my other one. I just think a 10gal is small for my tastes.

Having the first one so called..... adapted and easy to hold is great. Good to know or have one that is already active and tame.

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New Member
i suggest to leave her be and to let her settle in and keep stress to a minimum. also bell albinos have much more light sensitive eyes so when you go in and turn on the light it may be hurting her eyes.

let her bee and settle in. she is an adult and generally adults take more time to settle in that babies and juvies.

Thanks for the tip on the sensitive eyes! In fact where I have her the lights are bright. I think that is an issue I need to correct. I will get another light to avoid the "flash" affect she is getting. Excellent info!

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