New guy, preparing for first leopard gecko


California, USA
Some geckos go a week or more before they start eating or get used to the new environment. As long as it does not lose too much weight it will be find. Maybe leave mealworms in a dish so it still has food available, as well as fresh water. It sounds like he isn't used to being handled. I wouldn't start handling him until after a week or two. Then you can start trying to get him used to you.
First stick your hand in the tank for a few minutes then remove your hand. While the your hand is in the tank, the gecko might come up to you and "smell" or lick you. It might also bite you (try not to pull the gecko off, just wait till it lets go which they usually do). It might also just climb on your hand. It might also do nothing and ignore you completely. You can repeat this exersive as many times you want, but for now don't remove it from the tank. You don't want to go chasing it around the house if it runs off. Once it gets used to you, you can try handling it inside the tank everyonce in a while and later handle it outside of the tank. One of the biggest things to remember is that it will never be completely "tame" and can still run off when spooked. For example: when I had my female leo she was as "tame" as can be. She never tried to run off, unless i was trying to give her medicine or take off stuck shed. My current male leo likes to trick you. Once you think he's calmed down and will "hang out" with you, he tries to bolt. The more used to you it is, the less likely you will activate the flight or fight response (at least I think so). Though that doesn't mean people or other pets around won't spook it either.


New Member
Thanks, that's helpful. I will do that after a couple weeks of him getting into a reutine. And I do leave a dish of mealworms, calcium, and water.


New Member
Will do. He's finally out of his cool hide and is using the rest of his enclosure now. Once I can get it to where it able to be handled I'll definitely keep a photo journal of it's growth.


New Member
And another thing, the picture of the gecko doesn't really pick up on it, his tail is a pinkish white color as well as his head. My question is what will his eyes look like if he is albino. Second, what is the difference between a tremper patternless and just a patternless?

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
And another thing, the picture of the gecko doesn't really pick up on it, his tail is a pinkish white color as well as his head. My question is what will his eyes look like if he is albino. Second, what is the difference between a tremper patternless and just a patternless?

Tremper is short for Tremper albino, one of the three albino varieties.

Here are some shots of mine showing how she changed:







New Member
That's more along the lines of how mine looks and his eyes are similar to yours as well.


New Member
Here's the updated tank, I ran out of papertowels so I had to go without them for the day, don't hate me for having carpet lol. Gecko's getting out a lot more and isn't hiding everytime I come into sight now. Good sign, still hasn't eaten or pooped yet. Thanks for all the help, more photos to come!


New Member
If you take a look at my thread, the link I posted above Tony shows me what normal eyes look like on the second page. ;) Keep uo the good work!

Thanks, I definitely have a Tremper. Can't wait to see it grow up, hopefully he turns out as nice as Beau!


New Member
Austin, Texas
Just off the top of my head, is there a moist hide in there? If so, looks really good ;) You have the same food and water bowls as me LOL!

Awe thanks, beau sure is a cutie. Just give yours time. My beau lets me sit there and pet him and will close his eyes. If you work at it I'm sure you can do the same :)


New Member
Yeah if you look behind the green plant there's a hide in there. It's a snake hide with a hole at the top. I took the moss out and replaced it with papertowels so it's easier to clean and doesn't smell like moss. There's about everything you can imagine on that tank as far as temp control and lighting goes.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Yeah if you look behind the green plant there's a hide in there. It's a snake hide with a hole at the top. I took the moss out and replaced it with papertowels so it's easier to clean and doesn't smell like moss. There's about everything you can imagine on that tank as far as temp control and lighting goes.
I figured so...but didn't hurt to ask ;) Someone looks spoiled. :p


New Member
I hope he is!

I am a little concerned, I still haven't noticed any signs that it's eating or drinking. It's been nearly a week. It's tail is still plump so I suppose it's ok, but I would sure like to see that it's eaten.


New Member
Austin, Texas
I hope he is!

I am a little concerned, I still haven't noticed any signs that it's eating or drinking. It's been nearly a week. It's tail is still plump so I suppose it's ok, but I would sure like to see that it's eaten.

I forget what you said in the OP... how long have you had him? And how/what are you feeding him.
As for drinking i've only spotted Beau drinking ONCE. Remember you'd have to be up all night to see them. It's not like you drink all day ;)


New Member
I'm feeding him small mealworms and I threw in a couple small superworms as well, they've been in it's dish for 3 days now, they're still alive. I've had him since Saturday.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Oh, try feeding with tweezers when you see him/her out, set a mealie on the ground so it moves in front of her. Beau won't eat from a dish for some reason. >.<


New Member
It finally ate!! It ate 13 mealworms in about 10 minutes. It was in it's warm hide and I was able to drop the meal worms in front of it. It got to where it would stay out and let me drop them in front of it instead of hiding after it ate. It seems fairly intelligent and will learn quickly I believe. Hopefully it will get used to me more so that I can handle it. I also learned today that it does not like to be near the area I am misting, it hissed for about 15 seconds today after I misted the cool side.

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