New guy, preparing for first leopard gecko


New Member
Yep, it sure did! He ate again tonight pretty eagerly. I believe he ate around 15 mealies. I don't think there's anything to be concerned about now other than that I hope he gets a little easier to handle, he's still really defensive, doesn't want to be held or touched.

I'm really happy with this setup, during the day the temps on the hot side get up to 95-100F, his warm hide ground temp is about 95F. The cool side stays about 70-75F during the day. At night the warm side drops to 80F and the cool side is at 65-70F.

I think I'm going to start throwing in some super worms to fatten it up a little, I want it to be really healthy and plump. Thanks for all the help again!


New Member
Couple more questions.

1. Can anyone give me an estimate of it's age by the photo of him in my hand?

2. It hasn't really pooped much, I can't find any, how long should I wait before I start worying about impaction.

3. When will it stop being grumpy?


New Member
sorry to ask a question your thread but after reading that stuff about repti-carpet, I just had a question...if i used it still safe if I replace it? I never wash them because I find that gross and time consuming lol so I always just bought a new one every few months or so.


New Member
The problem I had with repticarpet for the short time my leo was on it was that:

1. His toes would get caught in it, which could tear them off

2. his teeth would get stuck in it when he would grab a mealworm, I have to drop the worms in front of him.

Just lay paper towels over it, it's easier on the leo, and it's easier clean up.


New Member
Austin, Texas
sorry to ask a question your thread but after reading that stuff about repti-carpet, I just had a question...if i used it still safe if I replace it? I never wash them because I find that gross and time consuming lol so I always just bought a new one every few months or so.

Either way it's not the safest thing ever. Paper towels would work well if you have some on hand :main_thumbsup: or tile which is very cheap and lasts forever.


Shillelagh Law
sorry to ask a question your thread but after reading that stuff about repti-carpet, I just had a question...if i used it still safe if I replace it? I never wash them because I find that gross and time consuming lol so I always just bought a new one every few months or so.

A few months?

I dunno... would you want to be stuck in a carpeted room for a few months straight, when you have no option but to evacuate your bladder and bowels on it?


New Member
Yeah if you look behind the green plant there's a hide in there. It's a snake hide with a hole at the top. I took the moss out and replaced it with papertowels so it's easier to clean and doesn't smell like moss. There's about everything you can imagine on that tank as far as temp control and lighting goes.

In my experience sphagnum moss (if that's the kind you were using) is a lot less work that paper towels. It retains moisture and is very mold-resistant so it rarely needs to be changed (once or twice a month, unless the leo actually decides to poop in it). You only need to add new water a couple times a week at worst. It feels more natural to the leo as well.

I haven't had a problem with it smelling unless it's getting toward the end of its life and I actually put my nose up close to the humid hide.


New Member
A few months?

I dunno... would you want to be stuck in a carpeted room for a few months straight, when you have no option but to evacuate your bladder and bowels on it?

Well...her pooping area was covered in paper towels..the rest was carpet. So I would clean it out every day but the carpet I would keep for a few months. I understand that the urine could seep through the paper towels but I never knew the carpet posed such a problem. she had two levels in her tank...both in carpet...the first level was never used as a would I have to wash the carpet weekly still?

I like the look of carpet...and I'm not sure how to install tile or whether I like it. Is there any other options?


New Member
I like the look of sand, but I'd rather not have to deal with an impacted gecko.

I still haven't found any poop, and its been a week. Any ideas?


New Member
Yeah, it still seems really eager to eat too, like almost biting my hand before i can drop the mealie.


New Member
Yeah I've checked everywhere. I have to go out of town for 4 days tomorrow too. I've been feeding him quite a bit the past few days kind of fattening him up bc I won't have anyone to come and feed him either.


New Member
In my experience sphagnum moss (if that's the kind you were using) is a lot less work that paper towels. It retains moisture and is very mold-resistant so it rarely needs to be changed (once or twice a month, unless the leo actually decides to poop in it). You only need to add new water a couple times a week at worst. It feels more natural to the leo as well.

I haven't had a problem with it smelling unless it's getting toward the end of its life and I actually put my nose up close to the humid hide.

I had it for like 3 days, and I could smell the moss the second I came into my room. I'm a really clean type person and I just saw it as being dirty, and the leo doesn't mind the papertowels, it still uses it's hide all day. And they're easier to clean.


New Member
Austin, Texas
I had it for like 3 days, and I could smell the moss the second I came into my room. I'm a really clean type person and I just saw it as being dirty, and the leo doesn't mind the papertowels, it still uses it's hide all day. And they're easier to clean.

I'd be a little worried about your moist hide when you're gone but I'm not sure... Maybe create a new thread? Mine have to be misted every day.

I can't remember what it's called but the moss I got doesn't smell ( I can't handle smells ) at all it's really nice. I got it from Robin...and Robin said she got it from Kelli >.< at a feeder store. So I'm sure if you look you can find some moss. But if you like those paper towels keep at it ;)


New Member
I FOUND POOP!! It poops in its middle hide, it's like it's own bathroom, kind of funny actually. I'm relieved, and the hide stays moist for three or more days. I think it's safe to say that I have a healthy fully functioning gecko finally. Now I just need to start handling it.


New Member
I had it for like 3 days, and I could smell the moss the second I came into my room. I'm a really clean type person and I just saw it as being dirty, and the leo doesn't mind the papertowels, it still uses it's hide all day. And they're easier to clean.

How much moss were you using? You really only need to have like half an inch to an inch thick of it in there.

My wife is a clean freak and has allergies as well, but isn't bothered by it. You must have a bloodhound's nose, lol.

Wait until you smell some of the gecko poops...some of them can smell real bad.

I FOUND POOP!! It poops in its middle hide, it's like it's own bathroom, kind of funny actually. I'm relieved, and the hide stays moist for three or more days. I think it's safe to say that I have a healthy fully functioning gecko finally. Now I just need to start handling it.

That's good that the hide will stay moist while you are gone. But even if the paper towels stay moist for three days without misting, you then need to worry about bacteria and mold.

Best of luck with the handling. Once he/she gets a little bigger, it will calm down a bit. I found it helpful to entice them with "rewards" when coming out of the cage - I'd give a mealworm or two from my hand, or even sometimes set the food dish outside the cage and let the leo eat from it there.


New Member
I guess I was using too much, either way, I still prefer the papertowels out of pure convenience to myself. I used to work at a reptile store and I was bitten often actually since we had a lot of snakes and I helped breed the chameleons, and if you've ever worked with a gravid cham, they are an extremely grumpy creature. But when ever he nips at me, I jump like crazy, I feel dumb sometimes haha.


New Member
I guess I was using too much, either way, I still prefer the papertowels out of pure convenience to myself. I used to work at a reptile store and I was bitten often actually since we had a lot of snakes and I helped breed the chameleons, and if you've ever worked with a gravid cham, they are an extremely grumpy creature. But when ever he nips at me, I jump like crazy, I feel dumb sometimes haha.

Haha. My leos never nip at me (my female does the tail wave from time to time), but have nabbed my finger accidently while holding a worm. It doesn't hurt, but the surprise factor causes me to jump. My cresties nip at me from time to time from behind the tank glass, thinking my finger or something else is food. I jump at it, even though they won't be able to get me. I think it's the surprise more than anything. They never do it while I'm holding them.

Now I use tongs to give worms and crix to my leos as snacks. I don't have to worry about being bitten, but now the tongs get attacked even when empty, haha.


New Member
Alright I am back and my gecko is doing great. It actually ate out of it's dish finally, and seems to be doing pretty well, I may move up to a larger meal worm in the next couple weeks. I'm getting tired of having to feed him 15 worms until he's full. Lol

Any advvice on how to start handling it? Like how will I know if it's stressed or about to bite me? If there is a way.

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