New House



I am supposed to be working, I have loads of stuff to do...BUT I can hardly breathe. Within a few hours we will find out if everything is a go on the financing and other misc. stuff for our new house...

I sure hope it all works out okay. We have great plans for the outside and the new enclosures for our monitors and tortoises. I will finally be able to get myself a large breed dog like I had when I was a kid. My leos, beardies and smaller monitors and snakes will get their own heated room. 20 acres of my own space where we can roam, the grandkids can roam, and I can maybe even get another horse or two. It sounds like a dream.

Any prayers or positive thoughts and wishes welcome:)

After 28 years of working extremely hard to raise our kids, we finally have the last two off to college. We have sacrificed a lot, as most parents do, and I feel that we really deserve this house.


Thanks everybody...

The bank assured me that I would hear something by this afternoon, we have been in this process for over 2 weeks already. First they need this paper, then that one, then something else needs to be signed. I am glad that they are thorough in their job, but it feels like an eternity.

...I really do feel as though my heart is going to beat out of my body.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you! We spent 2 months in the "waiting" process when we bought our house. The waiting is excruciating! I hope you get fantastic news soon. It really sounds like an amazing place.


Hope you get it and they get ahold of you soon so you don't have to keep waiting and wondering when that phone call will come. Good luck and we are rooting for you to get your new home. Sounds like a great place


No news yet?

Got a call last night from my mortgage broker saying that I needed to be patient for another day. Apparently with all of the unfortunate events in our economy (some preventable, and some not:() there is a backlog sitting on the underwriting desks at all of the good mortgage companies. At least he let me know that much and promised to get something settled today. The most frustrating thing is we received our pre-approval before we even opened escrow and now they are finding one thing after another to nit pick. I guess pre-approval does not really mean pre-approval. It means you might be approved, lol. Trying to keep positive though out it all:)

Thanks again to everyone for all the well wishes!!!!

On a side note, my two incubating eggs look great and should hatch in about 20 days if my calculations are correct:):) Had a scare when one of the grandkids unplugged my incubator and I didn't notice until presumably the next day (I check on them every evening and morning)!
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We got the house :main_thumbsup:

So excited. Still a few hoops to jump through, but the hoops are getting less stressful and easier to manage. Looks to close escrow next Wed. or Thurs. Thanks for all of the well wishes and positive energy:)
Here are a couple of pictures

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