New Jobs :-)


New Member
So after being unemployed for nearly an entire year, I've got 2 online writing jobs (1 being a new one) plus numerous blogs that pull in a few bucks a month. But, now I'm planning on starting a new temp job at a company that I worked for in the past. I mean, yea it's temporary, but hopefully it'll be long enough for me to get a few bills paid off. The company took care of me before, so hopefully this one position will turn out like last time and last 6+ months. Pretty cool... Even cooler is that my dad works there now, so we're carpooling 3 days a week, since he's off the other two.

I go to the temp agency later this morning to fill out paper work and have them pee test me and background check me.

I'm kind of nervous and a little scared, though. I mean nearly a year and not having a job with people, and now I'm going back. Have any of you guys ever felt that way? Where you're out of work for a period, but upon going back feel scared and/or nervous?


Good luck, I wish you the best of luck. I am currently a stay at home mom. a few months ago I interviewed for a job in a vets office but didn't get it. I was very nervous about that since I haven't worked in 12 years.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
2 years ago I worked as a temp turned part time employee doing clerical and customer service work for a Pet Supply distributer. I had been teaching elementary age kids gymnastics for years so it was really weird to go in on the first day and be with all grown ups. I was SO nervous the first day and it got worse when I had to start answering the phones. (I have a bit of phone anxiety) I decided that prefer hanging out with 5 year olds! LOL

You'll do great! Hopefully one of the temp jobs will turn permanent. Many companies are looking to fill permanent positions but don't want to have to pay unemployment if it doesn't work out so they go through a temp agency.

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