New Mom To Be (Of a Leo) in Canada



Hello Everyone!

My name is Erica, I am a 20 year old 4th year University Student. I live in Calgary, Alberta Canada.

Right now I have a year old Bearded Dragon who I adore. I've wanted a second lizard since I got her, but I cant afford to feed a second beardie, so Ive done my research and chosen a leopard gecko! I am very excited to say that I am receiving my first Leopard Gecko in a week and a half! It feels like Christmas!

Would love to hear any tips for a baby, as she will only be a month old:D

Would love to meet people on here too.


Hello and welcome to GF!
Where in Calgary do you live? Have family there live in Calgary.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Welcome! There's so much to learn about leo care, so read up! It's so exciting getting a new one, isn't it? If you have any questions at all don't be afraid to ask, we'd love to help.

And when you get your little one, don't forget to show him/her off in the "show of your leos" section. We LOVE pictures!!

We also have a section on the forum for beardies if you ever need help/have questions/just want to show us a cute thing your beardie did :)


Welcome! this is the best site and everyone here is very helpful, Congrats on your new baby!


Senior Member
East Texas
Grats on the baby leo :) When you can, trust me, you will get more. I thought "Oh, I just have one," but now I'm in the middle of paying for a second, lol :D Anyways, you do searches on care & you can also make a thread with questions & will anwser them. The biggest debte here IMO is temp.s, so if thats one of your q's, you will get a lot of diff opinions. Anyways, one thing that is important, babies should always be kept on paper towels, & do do you have a viv or a fish tank, & what size? Oh, & almost forgot, WELCOME TO GF!! :) :) :)

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