New pet


New Member
Miami, FL
i vote get rid of the egg sack--kill the babies that is.
if you wish to keep the mother PLEASE keep in mind that if she was to get out she could harm someone. i had brown recluse living in my house at one point, a whole frikkin nest. we had to call exterminators. my neighbor got bit by one and was in the hospital. they had to cut out part of her jaw (where she was bit)
just be careful!!

we had a horse at the barn get bit on her cheek by a brown recluse. it looked like the whole side of her face had melted off... literally.. she made a full recovery after several months of intense medical care.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Spiders are VERY necessary for the environment. They eat all kinds of other critters that are much more dangerous(i.e. misquitos, look at all the diseases/parasites THEY carry) and most are pretty harmless if you leave them alone. Recluse bites can be nasty, but even they play their part in the scheme of things. Don't kill, relocate.

got spots?

leo lover
foglesville PA
very pretty =].
I kind of feel like laughing everyone says that black widow bites are not that bad. They have the same "deadliness" milligram to milligram a rattlesnake does. If you get bite and ignore it then find out your allergic oh oh

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