Newbie with Geckos


New Member
Hi everyone, i'm a new member of this forum and is also a newbie when it comes to taking care of Geckos...

I just obtained 4 geckos, 1 Leopard gecko which i bought from a local pet store, and 3 tokays saved them from an old house that was about to be demolished...

now here are my problems, when i got the 3 tokays and placed them on separate enclosures, as i read that they are quite the territorial creatures, they were not eating at all...

they were just looking at the food and just not care about it at all... so i tried reading more about these beautiful creatures and they said that they need some time to adjust with their new surroundings... but the thing is they look frail and weak and from the time i got them 1 of the 3 tokays already passed away :main_no:... im scared that the others might suffer the same fate...

what i need from the experts here are some tips, on how to make them eat and have them be more lively..? I have bought them meal and super worms but they dont really care for it much even if i try to spoon feed them, also bought them crickets but they really just ignore it and i see the cricket just walk around on their faces... i dont want these creatures to die...

my Leo is doing fine on its own, im just worried with the tokays and i wish someone will help me.. i already have them for almost a week now and they still have not eaten anything... please help... please...


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have no experience with tokays, but I can say as a gecko owner, that if the animals are visibly sick, they may be very sick. Some other people may be able to offer some suggestions, but failing that (even with that) you will need to locate a reptile vet and take them to be examined. Good luck.



New Member
Thanks Aliza for the reply... im really worried as they are really my 1st reptile pets... im trying to read through every info that i can find online with tokays and i have read that i can use honey placed on their mouth as an appetizer, so that they can lick it off their faces...

i hope someone here can help me with my dilemma please...
good 'ol AL :/
I, too, have no experience with Tokays, but I have several leos. One of the last females that we got took over a month before we could get her to eat when we first got her. We had to separate her from all the other geckos and I almost got to the point where I was going to pry her mouth open and force feed her. Then she literally just got up and went after a cricket one day, it was crazy. (lol) That could be the case with yours, but just to be safe I might go get them checked. If they're visibly sick, they might have some type of parasite or something. Idk. ........ The decision falls on you. It could be something simple like just going through a major change of surroundings or something more. Its all about whether you wanna risk it. ........

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
I'm no expert, i've been only keeping tokays for maybe one year now. There's been no serious post's and I'm just waiting for Tokaykeeper or Rexx to chime in LOL! but I do believe i can provide a little bit of insight.

There are several things to look out for when purchasing a tokay. A lot of these animals are Wild caught and there's things to look for.

Abscesses: start as small swellings, but become filled with pus. Can become infected if left untreated.

·Mouth rot: Redness, bleeding, swelling or unusual discharge around the mouth. Swollen head and rotting of the skin tissue around the jaw and mouth.

·Skin disease/rashes/infection: Irritation, inflammation or bleeding around the inner thighs or abdomen.

·Diet Defects: Infertility, lethargy, loss of appetite, sunken and dull eyes.

·MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease): Soft bones through lack of calcium. Drooping or sagging jaw, weak limbs or dragging of legs, crooked limbs, back or tail. General lethargy, poor color, convulsions.

·Impaction: Caused by ingesting substrate or other foreign materials. Blocks digestive system, lack of appetite and rapid loss of weight, bloating or swelling around stomach area. General lethargy and lack of stools. Usually fatal if untreated.

·Respiratory Infection (RI’s); Popping or clicking sounds when breathing, bubbles or mucus discharge around mouth and/or nostrils.

·Salmonellas: Acute appendicitis, blood poisoning and pneumonia.

·External parasites: blood sucking parasites, ticks, and mites.

·Internal parasites: Diarrhea, regurgitation of food, mucus or blood in the stool, weak and lethargic, emaciation and mortality frequently seen if untreated.

·Fungal infections: Cotton like substance growing down legs or around vents and mouth.

Should any of these symptoms be present in your gecko, seek the closest reptile vet


New Member
good thing they dont have those symptoms... its just that they are not eating much... they are not eating at all, the only sustenance that they are getting is the honey that im dabbing around their mouths, that they are licking off... im just scared that they might die of lack in nutrition

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
Being very tempermental and that they have moved a couple of times from home to home, it may take up to two months for them to just get comfortable.
Just because the animal isn't eating or that you don't see it eat, always provide. It brings a little bit of ease knowing that you did everything you can for them.

I hope the best for these guys.

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