No job for me now...


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
well today i was terminated from my job as a courier delivering medicines to pharmaries...for about month now I have been sick on and off and under a lot of stress for from beginning of october when my husbands sister got very sick and had to move back to his parents house with her kids and been going to a lot of her doctor appointments and seeing her get worse with no answers of what is going on and why this is going on and now shes pretty much one step above a vegatable and she cant take care of herself anymore so pretty much seeing someone die in front of your eyes is very disheartening even though i never really cared for her and didn't agree on her actions she took in life but still i did not wish this upon i just wished she would treat others better instead always using people and such. well I had to take off a day or so of work for my sanity since it was a 7 day a week job even though you were only working from about 6-10am but still waking up at 5am every day becomes overwhelming after a while well today apparently one of pharmaries made a big stink about it that the shipment was late when it wasn't that late really so I was terminated for putting their contract to a possible end with them. when all the other people were fine with it at the other stores even though i have not been wanting to do this job for about a month now because i just been tired and stress and depressed and coming to the point not being able to handle anything anymore even my marriage and living with my inlaws. then we have my inlaws i am not too bad with his mom but i hate his dad seriously hes the most ignorant piece of sh*t and thinks everything needs to be done for him and everyone should pity him cuz hes the victim of my husbands sisters disease its like no your not the victim she is the victim and so are her kids. everyone is upset over this and only want her to get better but yet he acts like a douche anytime we suggest she goes to a new doctor or whatever. i told my husband i was like I want nothing to do with that situation what doctors they take her to are their issue and what they do for her is their issue i want nothing to do with it because if we get involved there is always drama and i am sick of drama and his dad is the biggest drama queen there is.

Now we have no extra money until i can find another job and i wouldn't be suprised if i dont have to sell some of my geckos in order to be able to afford them. i really dont know im just very depressed and sad but also at the same glad i dont have to wake up at 5 anymore but i was willing to do it for money we could save with it since we were finally recooped from xmas and was going to be able to put back a 100 or so a week. well not now. its so lovely. i love life ha. i hate florida it is the suckest state there is when you need a job people want you to work for peanuts but they want you to break your back for them. it makes no sense to me honestly if you pay someone well they will be willing to do more for you if you give them crap they will not stay.

im sorry for my long winded rant im just not very happy right now and i have no friends to really talk to everyone i know pretty much dont talk to me alot and i say want to hang out yeah sure sure then i ask when will u b able to and i get no answer. the only ones i know that would in a heart beat are states away from me.

thanks for reading


Est; 1992
London, UK
Oh damn, im so sorry to hear about your job, I know how you feel with having an arrogant person around not being able to stand them, a few of my missus family are like that, does my head in, and of course you have friends to talk to about it, we are all in here for eachother, and at my job now I know how you feel I get payed peanuts and get expected to clear up after everybody PLUS do what im hired to do, I hope you do find another job, even if its just at a shop its still money coming in right? just try and do the best you can, Its situations like this I wish I bred my own feeders just incase something like that happened.

Again im sorry to hear you have lost your job and it may sound cliche but its allways darkest before light, I hope something does turn up for you, even if its finding out whats wrong with your sister in law.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
yeah no kidding but sadly me and my husband having crappy luck for nearly 5 years now everytime stuff starts looking up for us then we get nothing and end up with nothing. we know sorta whats wrong with her but not everything and whether these are true answers is questionable. shes got a deadly STD and thats not curable and shes got a brain infection from it and such. so we all know her days are honestly numbered with the brain infection since its deadly with no cure. but i would honestly like to her a lil better to where you can take her places without it being a big ordeal of trying to get her in and out of the car and have her enjoy the rest of her life however short it may be you know but at this point its really hard to take her anywhere since she cant really walk and cant see and gets dizzy alot and gets sick alot when you take her places.

yeah i hope to find some lil job i would love to work with animals but its unlikely anyone that hires for that here wants you to have previous work experience with animals its like i have had plenty of my own to know what to do and if i dont know then just show me stuff isnt that difficult. if not that i would love to do photography and learn more about that.

i wish my true best friends/sisters were here i need to call one that i haven't seen in years that i have known since i was 5 and she lives close. the other 2 are in Michigan and Texas.

Thanks for your kind words im going to attempt again to raise my own feeders. i need too.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
I have learned over the years and it is especially true these days, your job is your top priority... I understand that family is important but without a job, your family can not thrive...

I hate getting up early but I do it every day to ensure my daughter and my house hold is taken care of...

I understand it is hard, but you need to separate your personal issues from your work... You can not let personal problems affect your job... SOmetimes it helps to look at your job as time away from your problems... It is almost like a sanctuary away from life stress...

Waking up and going to a job you do not care for sucks but the way things are now in this Country we have to do what we can to hold on to what we got...

I know you do not want a lecture right now... Many of us have been where you are now and have gotten through it... You will get over this hump...


New Member
wow I'm sorry to hear about the troubles you've been having. I hadn't heard from you this past week, but now I see why... Hopefully things will turn up. You may have to go to the temp agency and do a call center thing or whatever else they have just for money till you can find something else. It may be better than nothing. Ya know?

I do agree with Gregg, sometimes you can't let personal and work mix, but trust me I know it's hard to do that sometimes. I got some VERY bad news in 09, and couldn't go to work the next day. Barely made it through the day the day after that. Sometimes you can't help it, but sometimes you just have to try and force yourself to do something that you don't want to do.

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