Not eating as much as supposed to



Ive long been aware that my gecko dosnt eat as much as other peoples geckos seem to, according to forums such as these. It seems to be normal for otherr geckos to eat every other day or so. But, mines always only really been interested in food every 4-5 days, so thats how often i feed it, and then i just feed it crickets one by one until its no longer interested in food. it will usually eat 5 or 6 when it does eat, and i can tell when its hungry by how intersted it is in their movements. Although, it seems to enjoy waxworms whether its hungry or not :)

The reason ive never thought this was a problem, or been concrned with it is that my gecko seems healthy, happy, and has a chunkier tail then quite a few of the geckos i see on forums such as this.

Should i worry about this, or can i just out it down to one of the individual differances that make these animals interesting?

Also, my lizard is older then my profile picture would suggest as the picture was taken maybe 2 years ago.


having said that...Ive jsut looked at my details for this forum and the phote was actually taken more like 3 years ago. How time flies :)


not often at all really. Just every now and then, just a few a month really. Mainly feed him crickets fed on apple, lettuce, carrot, orange etc...


New Member
Between two terrariums
Maybe he's just an "easy keeper," the Shetland pony of leos. :laugh:
Maybe he's laid-back and doesn't burn up as many calories?
My leo seemed to eat less when he was on crickets too, come to think of it. :main_huh:
Sorry, no penetrating insights on my part. :tongue3:


New Member
Most of mine are similar eaters. Sometimes they can go 4-5 days without wanting anything and then only eat 1-2 bugs.

They get offered food every other day and i try to give them some variety with roaches, crickets, locusts and occasional waxworms. Ive gone off mealworms cos the dust (poop) they make chokes me and theyre a pain to clean. They also make the geckos too fat for my liking and lazy bums.

As long as your gecko seems healthy i wouldnt worry.

Sometimes mine pig out and other times theyll go longer than a week with barely any food but theyre all very active, they poop fine, their temps are fine and none of them are skinny so im happy enough :)

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