Not sure what I should do...Calling all breeders

James Lamantia

New Member
South Florida
So two days ago I woke up and found one of my of the eggs from my raptor X nova group hatched. This was defiantly early and the baby wasn’t fully developed, eyes are not completely formed and it still had a large section of yoke not absorbed. So I pulled that baby and left the other egg in the incubator. This morning when I got up I noticed the other egg was starting to hatch. The baby just came out and its head is all swelled up. Well I guess it not its head but around its bottom jaw. It really appears that there is alot of extra fulid around the jaw. I am new to breeding and have not seen this before. So I guess what I am asking, is this baby going to be ok? Should I just put it down or should I provide some extra care to help it get over this hurdle. Thanks in advanced.


James Lamantia

New Member
South Florida
He had just hatched when I shot the photos. I had to leave right after that, so I'm not completely sure but appeared ok except for that spot. I will check later when I get home.

James Lamantia

New Member
South Florida
Ok, I just stopped by the house to check on the little guy. He appears to be acting normal. It lifts its head and walks around. I have talked to a half dozen local breeders today and non of them had seen anything like it before. Some of the guys I asked advertise hear and all of them deal in exotics for a living so I really thought they would help but no one knows. Please help I don't want him to suffer needlessly and if you guys don't think it will make it, I will put it down now.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
It looks like a fluid sac from the photos but I've never seen this before, so don't really know. Hopefully some folks will be able to comment more this evening that may know something of it. As far as whether he will make it or not, it's more a matter of if this is a deformity. A lot of gex survive with deformities but should have been culled in the beginning to keep the gene pool clean. Once a pet only animal is released to a new owner, who can say how responsible they will be in the future. A shame for such a nice hatchling :(
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James Lamantia

New Member
South Florida
It does appear to be filled with fluid. That is why, I was thinking about leaving it myself and seeing what happens. I just don’t want it suffering for no reason. As for your comments out the deformities and keeping the gene pool clean, I agree completely. I just started breeding geckos this year as a hobby. I don’t care about the money or anything like that. This is just something I enjoy that keeps me at home and out of trouble. I have no problems keeping the little guy, to make sure it never interferes with the gene pool. I really already planed on keeping it, I kept all of my first clutches. I just don’t want it to suffer needlessly. Like I said in an earlier post, I have talked to 6 different people that are all in the industry and non of them have seen anything like it and so far no one on this site either. I just thought someone on this site would have and could give me some guidance. If they say it is as good as dead then I would rather do it now then have it suffer. Basically, I feel really bad for it and want to do what ever I have to…Thanks
Whatever you do, don't lyse it. A little thing like that losing that much fluid could cause shock. I would wait it out and see if it his body absorbs it.


New Member
Miami, FL
Last year, I had something similar happen with one of my hatchlings...interestingly enough, it was a raptor x nova pairing! Anyways, the little girl i'm talking about was my last hatch of the season and she hatched with what appeared to be and extra fluidy-like sac around her lower jaw...just like yours, not as extreme, but close.

Said gecko is currently doing very well, absorbed whatever it was that was around her jaw/neck, and is probably one of my best looking geckos ever.

So my vote is to keep it, and see how it does! Good luck, and please keep us updated!

James Lamantia

New Member
South Florida
Thanks so much. I will keep everyone posted on the progress. It appears to be doing ok. It has dug its self a little hole along the edge of deli cup. Do you think I should set it up in a tub with moistened paper towels or just treat it like a normal baby?


New Member
Miami, FL
I always do the moistened paper towels after they hatch regardless, so I'd say it should be fine with that. I can't say for sure if yours will turn out this way, but mine just has a little more wrinkles around her neck than my other 8 month olds do.


New Member
I had one hatch out last season exactly like that, the fluid aborbed within the week, she is now a healthy girl. Good Luck!


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Hmmm interesting.My first instinct would be too cull.There could be internal deformities inside that we cant see that could pose a problem with eating.If you wait a week or two and then decide to cull it'll be even harder to cull than doing it now.
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James Lamantia

New Member
South Florida
Sorry guys, I am in Alabama dealing with the tornados. When I left last week it was doing fine. The sack has started to go down but no where close to being gone. This is one of the photos I had taken right before I left. I will keep you all posted. Thanks for asking

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