I just interviewed for a new job Tuesday (Graphic/Web Design) and I got to talking to the owner (real sweetheart, I think I nailed the interview
) about the people she's interviewed so far. She told me that she's had a couple of guys in who bluntly lied about there experience with some of the commonly used software and there ability to use MACs. They couldn't do the simple "test" she has interviewees do (took me 15 minutes) and completely waisted her time. It was apparent to me that she was thoroughly frustrated with the interviews she's done and was absolutely thrilled with my interview since I knew what I was doing. She also told me I was the first one to actually bring a portfolio along for the interview. I mean come on, it's a design interview,
you have to show the potential employer your skills!
I can not imagine going into a interview or getting hired for a job where I knew nothing about what I was doing. Nor could I imagine ling about my capabilities or experience. That is just nuts. :main_thumbsdown:
I applaud you for your patience, but I'm sure in your shoes I would have been done lost my temper by now!
you have to show the potential employer your skills!
I can not imagine going into a interview or getting hired for a job where I knew nothing about what I was doing. Nor could I imagine ling about my capabilities or experience. That is just nuts. :main_thumbsdown:
I applaud you for your patience, but I'm sure in your shoes I would have been done lost my temper by now!