OMG! Going Downhill FAST!



He was at the vet last week because of a swelling on the top of his head.
This is him when I took him to the vet. You can see there is a bump so I brought him in to get checked. That was on 8/30/08

They did a needle biopsy and the fluid was more like a mucus so they were not sure if it was really an abcess. They did a cytology and aerobic culture.
The reults came back on 9/3/08.

Cytology results of the 5 slides were:

Microscopic Description: Cellularity was moderately high with a small amount of blood. Cells were a mixture of heterophils, lymphocytes and azurophils. Mixed bacteria were observed. No cellular atypia suggestive of neoplasia was evident.

Cytological Interpretation: Septic inflamation.

Comments: Culture results will be helpful to determine appropriate antibiotic therapy.

The culture results showed 3+ gram negative rods and 3+ aeromomas species.

Treatment was prescribed as 0.08 ml of Fortaz injected IM every 3 days for a total of 10 injections.

Now for the OMG part. Here he is today on 9/8/08.

I just got back from the vet again. They have no idea what is going on now since he has blown up so much in such a short amount of time. He has also lost 50 grams in the past week and his skin is flaking.
I have been told by the vet to contact Dr. Mayer at Tufts University. No one else in the state would be able to help at this point. A highly skilled specialist is now needed and the Fortaz may be ineffective.



K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Oh my God! Steve, that poor boy! Can't they start him on SOMETHING??? Allopurinol?? Anything??


New Member
New Jersey
OMG!!! Steve, so much could have happened. The Fortaz is not working. He could be developing a septic infection. Kidney failure. Secondary bacteria/fungal infection. Good luck with him and let us know.


T&KBrouse said:
Oh my God! Steve, that poor boy! Can't they start him on SOMETHING??? Allopurinol?? Anything??
Stick with the Fortaz is what they want to do.
I need him to see a specialist.


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Dang man this sucks!! It really sucks to see this happen to an animal you love. But it seems to make things way worse on a whole other spectrum when you put out the type of $$$ you have, to see no improvments, and worse to see this!!!


Tell me about it. Over $500 in about a week spent to diagnose and treat this guy only to be told by my vet that they don't know what is going on and I should see a specialist. Um...Hello....You were supposed to have been the specialist! I don't want to lose this guy.

I just sent Dr. Scott Stahl in VA an email with the results of the lab work and some photos along with the details of what has been going on since 8/30 asking for his help. He is supposed to be one of the best vets in the country. I am hoping to hear back soon.


Excellent Geckos
in my thoughts
Holly cow!! I wish the snake a full recovery. could the medicine have made a reaction and he is all swollen up? Maybe he will need some of that "stuff" drained and lots of fluids. Best wishes to you and the snake :)


shadowx362 said:
Holly cow!! I wish the snake a full recovery. could the medicine have made a reaction and he is all swollen up? Maybe he will need some of that "stuff" drained and lots of fluids. Best wishes to you and the snake :)
I have a feeling that when they did the biopsy, the poking around with the needle caused it to spread.
I asked about having him opened up, drained and cleaned out but the vet didn't want to do it.


I can't believe how bad he looks and how fast this progressed.
Here he is about a month and a half ago.



Mod Squad Member
Oh my gosh, Steve!! My heart goes out to you!! He looks just terrible, the poor guy!! :( Please keep us updated - I'll keep him in my thoughts. :main_yes:


Just got a reply from Dr. Stahls office.

He really needs surgery... and it has gotten very large and involved, so we would be concerned with the infection getting into the bone/blood stream at this point. (reptile pus is very caseous and needs to be removed surgically, not drained, every time) If he is still strong, has good muscular tone, the best bet would be to fed ex him down here for treatment. Or, if you’d prefer, I could set up a phone consult with Dr Stahl... maybe even have him talk to your vet to instruct them on what to do. He needs to be started on antibiotics, ceftazadime and Baytril every 3 days and meloxicam for pain/inflammation. you can fax the records to us at 703-281-3730 for now, that way they are here no matter what you decide as far as Dr Stahls involvement. Let me know, Jen


The Gecko Prince said:
Holy cow!! Good luck with him - let us know what happens. :main_yes:
Well, I am at a crossroad now.
I can't afford the quote from Dr. Stahl (after just putting out $500 this past week) and I don't think my vet is competent enough to do the surgery and then I still probably couldn't afford it.
This sucks.

I would imagine surgery/hosp(at least a month) would run about 800-1500.00
If your vet isn’t comfortable with the surgery, his only chance will be to ship. Let us know, Jen


Border Patrol Penguin
So. California
Well, if they've offered to instruct your vet, and it won't cost anything, the two of them might as well talk. Then you could ask your vet if he/she feels comfortable doing the treatment and surgery, or if they know someone else nearby who does. The snake looks somewhat better in the last picture you posted, or is it just hard to tell at that angle?

I have a herp vet nearby who removed an abcess from one of my kingsnakes last year. He complained that he doesn't get to work on enough reptiles. So he might give you a discount where he can, but he works for Banfield, so I'm sure there's some things he couldn't discount. Where are you located?


lytlesnake said:
Well, if they've offered to instruct your vet, and it won't cost anything, the two of them might as well talk. Then you could ask your vet if he/she feels comfortable doing the treatment and surgery, or if they know someone else nearby who does. The snake looks somewhat better in the last picture you posted, or is it just hard to tell at that angle?

I have a herp vet nearby who removed an abcess from one of my kingsnakes last year. He complained that he doesn't get to work on enough reptiles. So he might give you a discount where he can, but he works for Banfield, so I'm sure there's some things he couldn't discount. Where are you located?
It would still cost a fortune with no guarentee this will work even if Dr. Stahl doesn't do it and my vet does.

The angle make it look better than it is. You can't see the swollen part under his head in the last pic.

I am in CT so CA would be too far away.


Gex 'n Snakes
North Carolina
I am so so sorry, maybe you could at least try the medication and aspiration route if not the surgery? If it's a question of that or putting him down, it might be at least worth a try. I have seen Baytril work wonders before in other animals.

For the surgery, could you set up a payment plan with the vet, or try Care Credit?

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