The culture results showed that Baytril would be ineffective (along with other normally prescribed meds) against this problem. That is why Fortaz (a human drug) was prescribed.Starwild said:I have seen Baytril work wonders before in other animals.
For the surgery, could you set up a payment plan with the vet, or try Care Credit?
I have a Care Credit account already. Unfortunately I have a large balance on it since I used it for Lasik surgery in April so I cannot add to the line of credit (already at $5K).
I had asked about a payment plan and got this response from them.
We usually have you pay in full, but since he is going to be here for a while, you could pay ½ when you send him, then whatever is left when we send him back. We do have to have it paid before he comes back, though. Sorry about that, we have had too many people that we gave payment plans to that never paid… so we had to stop offering payments. Jen
I am waiting on a reply to my last note to find out what would be needed up front to get him down there ASAP since they gave me a range on cost. Once I know if I need $600, $800, etc up front, I can hopefully try to arrange something and get him down there for the surgery.