One more jerk selling sick animals!!!!!

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Russ S

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Russ and The staff

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Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I paid $1,600 for this pair 2 years ago.
Robert, I simply do not understand how or why anyone that would pay that much money for those beautiful, gentle creatures would neglect them so!

I raise my own roaches and feed them 3 different species
If you are feeding the rest of your reptiles with those roaches, I do not see why it would have been so difficult to throw some in with your leopard geckos as well.

Someone actually providing advice, wow. Even though you still had to get a bash in. Oh well. Say what you will. It doesn't phase me one bit. Anybody else got any tips for me?
Yes! I have a tip for you... Instead of wasting the time you say you don't have writing rebuttals to your admitted negligence of your geckos, perhaps you should consider utilizing that time actually reading some of the valuable information here on on how to care for them.
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