Our Fish Tank



we used to keep ciclids, untill my nephew decided to dump a whole thing of windex in our tank and killed all of them. i was thinking it would be cool to setup a saltwater tank and put a few needle fish in it, i cought a 14 inch needle fish today on my kayak excursion, they are awesome!!!!! razor sharp teeth too, i got a nice gash in my thumb from the one i caught lol, (i like weird looking fish, lol)
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I used to keep cichlids, electric blue jack dempsey was my favorite in the group. Got rid of them when we moved. Now have a 90gal with few mollies, etc with my 4 yr old res female and a res male I bought after moving. I have had him for a couple of years. I have an assortment of plecos, a royal, sailfin and goldnugget are my favs.

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