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Gecko Fool
Ok so this spring i hope to start breeding. I would have started this year but one of my leos was having trouble and i wasnt quite sure what it was so i didnt want to breed and then have it spread. So What would i get with these morphs

Female-super hypo carrot tail baldy
Female-super hypo carrot tail
Female-Tang (tremper)Albino
Male-tang albino 100% het RAPTOR

And what would i get if i bred a SS to them or a SS enigma


New Member
Miami, FL
I'm going to take a crack at this, since I think I can figure it out. Someone please correct me if i'm wrong. I believe:

If you bred the male with the two female SHTCT's, you would get hypo tangerines het for tremper albino with a 50% chance of being het for RAPTOR.

If you bred the male with the female tangerine tremper albino, you would get tremper albinos with with a 50% chance of being het for RAPTOR.

I really haven't worked with Snows at all, and from what I understand the genetics are a little different then the rest...maybe someone else could help out with that part


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Ok so this spring i hope to start breeding. I would have started this year but one of my leos was having trouble and i wasnt quite sure what it was so i didnt want to breed and then have it spread. So What would i get with these morphs

Female-super hypo carrot tail baldy
Female-super hypo carrot tail
Female-Tang (tremper)Albino
Male-tang albino 100% het RAPTOR

And what would i get if i bred a SS to them or a SS enigma

tang albino het raptor X SHCTB = offspring with various shades of tang and varying degrees of Hypomelanism, all 100% het albino, 50% het RAPTOR

tang albino het raptor X SHCT = same thing as above

tang albino het raptor X tang albino = tang albinos, 50% het eclipse

SS X SHCTB = 100% snow with varying degrees of hypo
SS X SHCT = same as above
SS X tang Albino = 100% snow het albino

SS enigma X SHCTB = Snow Enigma, Snows
SS enigma X SHCT = same as above
SS enigma X tang albino = Snow enigma het albino, snow het albino

Snow genes are co-dom(except for line breds) and will wash out the tang coloration, so you can't really have a "snow tang." SS X anything non-snow will always give you 100% snows, other genes are factored normally.
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Gecko Fool
I know i would get raptors but what would i get if i crossed my het raptor to a full raptor like what percentage would be raptors and am i able to breed back to the parents


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I know i would get raptors but what would i get if i crossed my het raptor to a full raptor like what percentage would be raptors and am i able to breed back to the parents

If you cross a raptor to a het raptor you will get 50% raptor, 50% het raptor. Yes, you can breed back to parents, to a degree, most breeders only linebreed like that for 1-3 generations, then outcross.

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