yep i dont think she is ovulating either. When she is ovulating you will notice two pink and i mean PINK (trust me you will know when you see it) spots. Try introducing the male gecko, sometimes that can make her ovulate..
i ve put her in the male's tub, but he doesnt seem interested in breeding, and if i put him on her tub, she will start biting him, should i leave her in the male's tub or what should i do? what do experts reccomend?
Just out of curiosity how big is she (mostly weight), and how old? I'm not trying to be mean or insult your intelligence (especially as I know nothing about you as a breeder or person) but she may be too small to breed as of yet (this is judging by her size in your hands so it may obviously be a misjudgment). Please forgive me for this, I'm sure you'll understand when I warn of something like this. It's better something goes said that one already knows than it goes unknown entirely. Right?
i understand, she is actually 50-52 grams and at least 10 months old, she's been a bad eater lately and has been offood for a couple weeks, last week i gave her slurry and gained weight, she was a very good eater before, but suddently stopped, i think it is because ovulation, actually i think i saw the pink spot yesterday so i might have a chance soon, im a bit more concerned about the male, hes in the 50's too and at least 6 months, but i dont see any mating behavior, i bred last year with no problems if u ask...
Lol I really am sorry, I figured something like that but it's better to be safe than sorry. Maybe you do have some ovulation going on if she just stopped eating, sounds like that's on the right track. Though I would think the male is a little young for breeding as said previously. Either way, glad that's cleared up, she sounds like a healthy girl.