Pease keep an eye out...


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I need to go to work so I'll add the entire story later but if you guys see a kid named Justin England post anything about us on other forums, please let us know. Basically, his lack of husbandry has left him less than satisfied with geckos he purchased from us in January.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Ok, so in January some guy bought a group of 5 Super Hypos we had on Kingsnake. I guess one of them had stuck shed in it's eye or something, I really don't remember exactly what happened but I think Keith talked to him on the phone shortly after he received them. He said that one of them had a swollen eyelid so we told him to rinse it's eye out and check for stuck shed then take it to the vet if it didn't clear up. Regardless of the outcome, we asked him to call us and let us know what happened. Never heard from the kid again until 2 days ago. Here is the correspondence through today. I'll attach the pictures he sent me once I switch computers.

"justin england <[email protected]> wrote:

About 2 months ago I purchased 6 geckos from your company. I was told about one of the geckos having problems with it's eye but I now have 3 of them with this "disease". I feel that I was misled in buying these geckos. I really feel that you should reimburse me for the two that have this problem. Please contact me and let me know what you can do for me. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter.

Justin England"

"Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 18:52:18 -0700
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Previous Purchase
To: [email protected]


I am so sad to see those geckos in that condition. They are obviously having issues with shedding. None of our geckos have any "diseases". I vaguely remember you calling about one of them having a swollen eyelid or something. I'm sure that we told you to make sure it didn't have stuck shed in it's eye and take it to the vet. Stuck shed in the eyes can lead to eye infections which is what it looks like is going on with the geckos you've sent pictures of. They need to see a vet immediately and that responsibility falls on your shoulders. Your husbandry skills are to blame for this issue not genetics. You purchased these geckos in January, we are in no way financially responsible for you not taking proper care of them and quite frankly, I am appalled by the condition you've let them get to. Our breeding practices had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that your geckos are covered in stuck shed and in obviously poor health. They also look very thin in the photos. May I ask how you have them housed? Maybe you can help me understand how on earth this is our fault 5 months after you purchased them. Also, what was in the PetCo carry home box before you put it in the tank?


"justin england <[email protected]> wrote:

That's what I thought you would say. When i bought the group you said one of the geckos had a bad eyelid! When i received the geckos she had a bad EYE big mistake!! But for you to say to me that its not Genetics is crazy not three weeks later the other 2 had shown signs of bad eyes There was a reason the group of 5 were so cheap!! three of the five never shedded properly or would eat as well as the other two! Two are 56g & 62G the other 3 are struggling to keep there weight on they are the only geckos i own except a raptor male i bought from Ron temper. They are housed in different tanks, paper towels as bedding and card board (PET CO) take home boxes that are brand new but the tops are cut off and flipped upside down used as shelter! I never called you about a swollen eyelid but i am concerned that you passed off a your small problem and now its escalated in to a larger problem for me! I kept all past e-mails and pictures printed out! There is no stuck shed in its eye there eyes! I have been trying to fix this problem for five months! they have vet checked with vitamin b-12 shots to try and increase there apatite.

Justin England"

"To: "justin england" <[email protected]>
And what are you cage temps (hot and cool side), what kind of hides are you using (only cardboard boxes?), do they have humid hides? And what did the vet say about their eyes and shedding problem? If you would like to send his name and number I would gladly call and discuss it with him.



Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
This is the crappy part about about selling geckos. There's no way those geckos have ever had a humid hide, I feel so bad about ever sending any of them to that idiot.






Mod Squad Member
Oh my god, Mel I am so sorry!!!!!!! :main_no: What a fuck head. Seriously.

I'll definitely keep my peepers peeled............he best not fuck with you. :whip:


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Exactly! And he's trying to tell me that it's a congenital defect. We've had an adult gecko here and there that needed a little extra help shedding so we just pulled off whatever piece was stuck. It's not that hard! I can't believe that he's accusing us of selling them so "cheap" because we knew that they were defective. The group of 5 came out to $30ea because they're just yellow Super Hypos, I think we all know how much they go for. It's just aggravating and I feel terrible for the geckos. :main_no:


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Wow, that guy seriously should NOT have any living animals in his care. He is obviously doing something wrong with his care, the stuck shed on that Gecko is rediculous!

I am not sure why, but the name Justin Endgland sounds SO familiar.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I was looking through old sent emails...hadn't realized I'd never cleaned out my sent box (3,000+ messages :main_no:). But I did find my original email with this guy! I had completely forgotten about one of them having a minor eyelid notch on it's lower eyelid -


My first response to his Kingsnake inquiry:

Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 18:04:16 -0800
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: 0.5 SHTCT
To: [email protected]

Hi Justin,
Here are pics of the other 2. One of them has a tiny notch on one lower eyelid (not genetic) and it does not affect it's vision but something I definitely want to disclose to any prospective buyer. They are all siblings from a SHTCT (Anthony on our collection page) and a SHCTB. The youngest hatched on 9-21 and the oldest hatched 8-05. Let us know if you have any other questions!

Keith and Melody Venatta
Concrete Jungle Geckos

justin england <[email protected]> wrote:

Sorry it took so long to reply, They look great! If i sent the $175 through paypal when could they be shipped? I live in Cathedral City, CA Zip is 92234 Thank

That pisses me off even more because the in the photos he sent it's not even that gecko that has the eye problems! He never emailed me back after I asked for his vet's contact info.....fucking loser. :main_angry:

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