Phoenix Worms get A+ as feeders!!


I should Try those. Are they good for my turtles? :D Maybe my young leo? i saw them in P E T C O :3 "Cacuiworms" lol


I agree with snake girl the phoenix worms are a great feeder. I got mine in the mail today from wormman (I dont reccomend them it took over a week) My leo loved them she ate at least 10 and was after them really quick, but she is not a picky eater she has never turned down anything.


New Member
goffstown NH
My geckos really took to them. with them wiggling around. even for geckos that tend to eat later on.... i Write down on the bin how many i put in and let them be this morning All of the bins are empty..and refilled them with a few more! In fact my other male Is waiting for even more...for so long he fell asleep in his food bowl. Haha!


What substrate can i use for these worms if i want to breed them?


New Member
Phoenix worms are the best. It's hard to get adults to eat them if they have never been feed them before however my babies take them right away as well as if you have any that have turned off feed from breeding it gets them back on track quickly.


New Member
Key West
I ordered Phoenix worms from Georgia ( located in Athens GA) and i had them shipped overnight since it was close to the weekend and they only ship Monday through Thursday ( they'll ship Thursday if overnight shipping is chosen, if not then it would ship out Monday) GC guarantees live feeders with overnight and with standard ship they can't guarantee if all would be alive and they don't ship if the temps are 90° or over or if the temp is below 60°.., the temps should be in the 70's to 80's. I received them today and they are adorable and fast moving wiggles. I ordered Wed 8/15 11:30am and had them over night ship, I got them by noon today 8/16. Georgia Crickets have crickets, mealworms, waxworms besides Phoenix worms and combo kits for a balanced variety plus food for these cute buggers.

The 2 pet stores here only have small and medium crickets, waxworms, small mealworms, giants and supers. They are constantly out of these every 3 weeks and when they order, the feeders are either shipped in 1 to 2 weeks or back ordered, I always call to see if they have them.., if not then, I order online before i run out of feeders grubs and have them over night shipped (if order is placed before 1 or 2pm). I want to try something different since the two Leos are getting fussy with their meals talk about being a princess (that is why I named mine Aamira). I had tried Gimminy Crickets & worms (they are out in California) only crickets and mealworms, the mealworms are in the lot of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and they put in extra in case a few die during shipment and it takes 2 to 3 days to receive them. I was contacted by the owner as when they'll ship and if it will be straight to your door or at a UPS operated facility office where it is cooler (depends on the humidity and temperature).
I am wanting to order silkworms with feed from Mulberry, but the difficulty in keeping them alive for at least 3 weeks seems impossible. I have to read more on the silk worms.
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New Member
I just ordered a sample of 100 medium ones from on Monday to test if my leopard geckos will eat them so I know how much I will need to order in the future when my bearded dragon baby arrives in a couple of months.

The Phoenix worms were shipped on Tuesday and I should get them today. I can't wait to go home because I wanna see if my leopard geckos will eat them. I'm going to try and see if I can gutload them as well. People don't usually gutload them, but it would be cheaper to buy the tiny worms and grow them to size.


New Member
So I tried a little experiment to see if I could gutload or grow the phoenix worms bigger.

Yesterday I separated the bigger worms in a new container without the saw dust and added Repashy Superload mixed with water. They all doubled in size within an hour from drinking the juices of the powder.

Then I put the smaller phoenix worms in another container with no saw dust. I added shredded collard greens, cooked oatmeal, Repashy Superload, Fluker's High Calcium Cricket Diet, and some water to turn everything into mush.

Today, 24 hours later, I opened the containers and wanted to puke because of the smell inside!! They had a really bad sour smell. The worms were still alive. Actually, they were really active so I guess they totally loved swimming into goo. They somehow turned the collard greens sort of yellowish brown and mushy. Anyway, I tried giving the phoenix worms to my leopard geckos. The first one ate like 10 of them. The second leopard gecko tried one and wouldn't take another one. She definitely wasn't full because she accepted 3 one-inch dubias later. The third leopard gecko had a lick then turned away. The smell was so awful I can still smell it.

So I transferred all the worms into a clean container with dry oatmeal and cricket water crystals. If they can live in this, that's great. If they die, oh well.. I tried. I understand now why you don't feed phoenix worms!!! When my baby bearded dragon arrives, I'll try and order more. But this time I won't try to feed the worms anymore except letting them drink Repashy Superload juice right before feeding!!
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New Member
St. Louis
I loved using phoenix worms along with mealworms. My geckos LOVED them. I'll use them again once I get a gecko.

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