Just warning you, once you get one tree frog, you will be inclined to get more LOL.
I've kept squirrel tree frogs and greens in the past and I just got my first Big eyed a few weeks ago and am already planning on getting red eyes and Whites haha.
cute frog, you planning on breeding?
it's photoshop cs3 thank you very much ...Lolfrogs are incoming. Not from me, just... Robyn with a frog and a camera and a copy of paint so she can writing things on them, it is inevitable.
frogs swallow with their eyeballs).
Really? Can you elaborate how this works? My son had a wood toad and I noticed she hardly ever swallowed with her eyes open. Fascinating.
If you look at the skull and associated musculature of a frog or toad you will notice that there is a lot of open space in that wide mouth and that it is, to varying degrees by species, horizontally flattened. When frogs swallow, they initially push food down their throat with tissue attached to the roof of the mouth- they generate additional pressure by also utilizing the muscles around the eyes, basically squeezing them in and down and displacing more of the tissue in the mouth in the process.
If you look closely at your son's toads as they eat, you'll notice that it is not just a simple blink. It is not just a closing of the eyelid, but the entire raised area around the eye will sink in and down.
So they pretty much blink when eating and swallow with the back of their eyeballs. The flatter the skull and the thinner the musculature inside the mouth, the more the eyes (well, muscle groups around the eyes anyway) play a role and the more pronounced the blinking behavior is.