Picked them up today


New Member
Hey everyone, so I picked up these 3 geckos today .. they looked so badly in shape, I just had to get them to help these poor things out ..

so two of them ate something, the one with the regrown tail ate 1 cricket and 1 wax worm, the other one which I believe has some albino ate 1 cricket
and the other one with the really skinny tail, didn't take anything, I'll take them to the vet next week to get checked out, but in the mean time is there anything I can do to help encourage this little girl to eat?


Thanks :)


Wonder Reptiles
Sometimes geckos will stop eating due to stress.
If you can, I would seperate them. Sometimes geckos can stress each other out, and while seperated, you can be sure whos eating what and whos pooping.
I would put them on papertowel substrate while they are recovering.


New Member
palmetto FL
Also, what kind of heating is the tank using, how many hides are there, do you have the suppliments and sooo on and soo on.


New Member
I have other geckos so I know how to care for them
I just don't know what to do here,because none of my geckos are in this condition.
They're all healthy, with fat tails.

but just to clarify, I have a heat pad for them ( belly heat )
they are on paper towel
1 moist hide, one hot hide and one cool hide and 2 more just in the middle.
and I am dusting their food with repashy.
and of course a water dish, and a couple of just pretty things in there :)


New Member
oh poor things! I took in a leo that was skinny and in bad shape and it is very satisfying to watch them thrive in your care and recover to become happy healthy geckos.
A few things I would try:

1) They are probably really stressed from the poor care and who knows what else they have had to endure, so what they need the most right now is to feel safe and secure. For now I would try to separate them the best you can (if that's possible) and just let them figure out their surroundings. They are probably a little to stressed to eat right now.

2) The vets is a great idea, there is some medication you can get from vets that is soluble in water that gives them some energy when they are not eating. A Critical Care Formula. You may also be bale to buy it online (check with your vet first) that stuff works wonders for ill/frail geckos.

3) For now I'd keep contact with them to a minimum and let them rest, however, do you know if they have had belly heat before? I'd give them a nice warm bath for 15 mins or so each, just in case they have had no under belly heat and problems digesting. This will help them poop if they are a little blocked up. And probably hydrate them too.

4) Holding worms in tweezers makes them wriggle like crazy and seem very attractive to a hungry gecko. They may be too lethargic to hunt if they have had very little food. You could try making http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zSFFhbdNqw4
I crush up grubs into a paste and try syringing, sometimes this encourages their hunger again.

TIP: Don't feed them fatty foods, if a gecko has not had much food lately and then gets fed fatty foods to make up for it, it can lead to fatty liver disease as the liver is not used to processing it. I lost a gecko to FLD (although not for this reason) but when I researched I found this out.


Phoenix Gecko :)
The albino looks heather separate them ASAP! Take a stool sample into the vet from all of them. Just wriggle the worms in front of them and try to make them take it the best you can but don't force feed let the vets do that.

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