+1, plus good camera and lighting. Some you can tell have been edited or enhanced a little. I just use a photo tent I got for fathers day and a decent camera. I suck at editing things so I don't.
You need a camera with a fast shutter speed so that it can take clear pictures of the geckos when they're moving around. Macro is also good to have.
If you want to bring out the lighter colors of a gecko, you can use a darker background. For bringing out darker colors, use a lighter background. We use white and black construction paper. Before that I was using white tile.
To get your gecko calmed down, you can put him in the photo area (on the construction paper, etc.), then put a deli cup over him for a minute or two. When you're ready, lift the deli cup and take the picture.
Some people also use light boxes but I never have.
i don't use a light box or background or anything leased:
for my non artsy gecko photos i take pictures of them in their tubs, on paper towel and the lighting is from the lights on our ceiling fan (we have vaulted ceilings too) and a flash.
I dont use any light box or backgrounds But I do take a ton of photos and over half usually gets deleted after cause they do move around alot. get a decent digital camera and take lots of shots there is bound to be a couple good 1s.