Please take a look


New Member
I may be just a bit paranoid with this, but my female hasn't eaten for almost two weeks. I'm trying different things to find out what's going wrong with her before taking her to the vet. At first I thought that it was due to ovulation, but she hasn't been bred and I think that she should have started eating already... There is any possibility that she is carrying infertile eggs and not eating because of that? When it comes to breeding I'm a real newbie... I centered all my efforts in learning husbandry because I'm not planning to breed now, and it's funny that now I should have studied about breeding to discard a husbandry problem... :(

I know the pics are horrible and small (I resized them because you could see nothing in their normal size due to how blurry they were) but I would like that the experienced people told me their opinion about if she may be gravid or not...

Here you can see the belly. I edited the pic showing the darker parts from it, since it is almost impossible to distingish something... I'm pretty sure that there is nothing at the right because you can see the organs through it. I don't know what to think about the left side, there's only a big white mass that I don't know if it's fat, an egg or an organ. Didn't look like an egg to me, but as I said I'm a newbie... I've seen pics of gravid female bellies but even comparing I don't know.


In this other pic you can see her turned on that side from above


Ps. Now I can join the bitten-by-a-gecko club. She hates to be turned upside down, ouch


New Member
she doesnt look like she has any eggs and i can not see any signs of ovulation. her weight seems fine.. is it cold in spain right now?


New Member
It is, we're in winter after all. But even if it's cold, she has her heating, she shouldn't notice the difference that much... She has slowed down her consumption for some time in other occasions, but has never completely stopped eating like now.

Anyway, I have ordered a few goods from the UK that a friend of mine recommended me to have her under fully controlled conditions (I must say that her thermostat and thermometer aren't all that reliable) so I hope that with optimum temperature she starts eating again (and if it's other reason why she isn't eating, at least it will help)... But the delivery will take some days. In the meantime, I'm trying to find any other asnwers I can...

Thanks for your answer Robin. If it was an egg I think I would realize, but I wanted to be sure.


New Member
had she lost any noticable weight? and how old is she? you might want to see if you can get a fecal done on her. could she be eating only a couple of things and you not realizing? i know that sometimes in the winter, even though i keep my temps optimum my leos will slow down and sometimes seem not to be eating but actually are just very small amounts not noticeable unless i count every single bug i put in there and even then they may go several days in between eating that much.


New Member
You could say I count every single worm because I feed my geckos with tweezers :p Well, one of my latest attempts of getting her to eat has been leaving the worms on a dish so she can eat at her own pace, but it doesn't look like she has eaten anything. I don't see any feces in her tank either, otherwise I would have taken them to the vet to make a fecal.

She will be two years old next year, and hasn't lost too much weight, but yeah, a few grams (she was 93g last week, and yesterday was 87g).

I'm trying to get some waxworms but I can't find them in any shop here, I'll have to keep looking... If that doesn't get her to eat, I may have to try the slurry so I can give something fresh to the vet.


Happy Gecko Family
Oh that's great news!! I know how you feel, because right now I have 2 ovulating females that aren't interested in eating at all for almost 2 months! I had been feeding them a bit of slurry in between weeks, so that they have something in their system, and won't start using up the tail fat and ended up with a fatty liver....I will definately party and dance if they can eat even ONE mealworm for me....:(

p.s. They lost about 6 grams in 2 months (both at 77-78g at the moment), had seen a vet and do not have parasites.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Most of my geckos have had this pattern for the last 2 years where they eat like pigs in the late summer and fall and then nearly stop completely for the winter. In the fall I had 3 geckos over 100 grams, and not one of them giants. All three have lost 10-15 grams over the last 2 months. The same thing happened last winter. I guess I'll know when spring is here just by watching out for when they start eating again.


Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
It's a good sign she ate the mealworms! This is a difficult time of year when Winter is getting ready to end and there are Spring-like conditions with the increase of the photocycle.

Be patient, but keep a watchful eye on her weight.


New Member
Sandra said:
She ate four mealworms! That's not too much but it's something! :)
She hasn't eaten anything since I said that... Sometimes, when she sees a mealworm, she makes all the hunting scene but in the last moment she closes her eyes and looks other way :main_angry: She's driving me crazy.

The thermostat and the thermometer have arrived, but I also ordered a mat from Reptilica-Spain (even before ordering the other things) and my order isn't even processed. I can't believe that something would arrive sooner from the UK that within my own country. It's exasperating...

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