twice in 3 years of leo keeping i have 15 plus leopard gecko and only been bitten twice by the same gecko and each time he took a chunk out its like he bit me and rolled like a damn gator lol lil bastard scared my hand for life i hate cleaning his cage lol but i dont know it had to be something maybe i handled another male or something i cant say for sure but he's gotten me good each time and my lil brother can handle him no sweat lol maybe he just doesnt like me but my other geckos if they see me walk by the rack they start pacing the front all ready to be picked up most lol push up when i run a finger along there backs like cats and push their heads into my hands for petting 1 bad seed in a wonderful collection i cant complain
:main_laugh: Jackie just nipped me on my thumb while I was holding her and lending her to my dad. Then She nipped on my dad's fingers. Just a soft nips. Bwhaha. I felt it but didnt hurt ntohing. :O
been bitten plenty of times. the hatchlings are the worse. such little attitudes. and my 2 female blazing blizzards get moody once in a while as well. never anything serious though
My 7 year old male decided to chew on me this evening, it didn't hurt, and I wasn't sure what he was doing till I was setting him down in his tank. It didn't hurt at all (more like he was gumming me, no teeth involved) as I set him back in his home. Either he didn't want me holding him that way (likely) or he really didn't want to go home. Since he has no claws to hold on with, I try to hold onto him so he doesn't fall and this time he was sitting a little strangely in my hand.
i get bitten at least 2 or 3 times every night. always my blazing blizzards and enigmas. and i have a young male AFT that bites me 6 or 7 times every time i move him to clean his tub, little turd...