Ive been bitten many times with juvenile leopard geckos. Dont know if they thought my finger was food or if they were scared.
check out my site http://reptileisle.webs.com
I only counted the times that a full grown adult drew blood, which is 3 (all males BTW). If I counted juvie or hatchling nips I would be well over a dozen.
twice. once with my baby leo because a mealworm climbed onto my hand, and once w/ my old leo (RIP Spot) because i guess i was annoying him. I didnt know leo bites could draw blood. I think i've also been bitten by my red eared sliders twice, too, because they thought my finger was food or because i was in the way of them eating.
I've been bitten maybe...4 times, total.
Mostly by male juvie normals.
Normal Leos behave like NO OTHER leos.
They are in a class of their own.
Loveable demons, but demons still.:main_laugh:
My leos have never bitten me. My girl once hissed at me when I accidentally sprayed her with water.
My crestie, however, leapt all the way across its enclosure to clamp onto my thumb while I was doing cage maintenance. That thing's insane. It stalks me when I walk across my room. Now that it's tasted human flesh... none of us are safe.
my high yellow has bitten me twice. once we had lost power for three days, so he was grumpy. i tryed hand feeding him and he went straight for my finger. no blood but it hurt. however thefirst time he bit me, it was more like a nawing motion. he licked the inside of my middle finger and proceeded to naw as if he were a puppy or something teething.
My male gecko Roger bites me (or tries to) all the time. He used to be docile as anything, but since his female tank mate Norah has started laying eggs he is extremely aggressive and protective.
Getting bitten doesn’t hurt at all, its more a primeval shock of getting bitten by a lizard.
I watched all the videos on youtube of the "scoop" method and decided I would not go that way. I started out by just putting my hand in the tank and watching their body language.. tail, head and eyes. I would move my hand closer and closer and just wait. If they moved I just moved my hand in front. They eventually licked my hand and walked up on it.
So far so good. I just let the little buggers let me know if they want to be held or not.
If I am going to take them out to clean the tank. I use the Hide to crawl on and then put them in a small box till I am done.
I have a female who "casually" bites meaning that she will just slowly bite me out of nowhere, they usually don't hurt but when shes mad she starts hissing and barking
i think she still has the mind of a hatchling
I have never been bitten. *crosses fingers* I think my Ares is far to much of a suck to do it... however if he feels threatened I would imagine those chompers would be opening pretty quick. Lol
Once by Bubba when he was a baby that was so tiny i didnt feel it, it just made me jump. And once by Yoshi last night. Yeah it hurt a bit, i think if something breaks the skin and makes you bleed and you dont feel it theres something wrong with ur nerves
Its a bit sore now but was my own fault. Note to self, dont make Yoshi mad :main_laugh:
First bite was from my male, thought my baby finger was a worm or something while it was cleaning his tank, never even knew he had latched on other than I felt his tongue. Bout a year later that same male tried to mate with my hand and started biting all across my palm.
One of my blizzards bites me every time while trying to remove stuck shed from her toes, even with her moist hide she still leaves the toes.
Worst bite has been from a crested gecko, was trying to get him to open his mouth to see his calcium sacks by rubbing his jaw. He opened up but I was not fast enough to see in his mouth so I rubbed his jaw again and he had had enough and clamped down hard, no bleeding, but my thumb looked like it does after a day of wrapping Christmas presents, from hitting it on the tape cutter on the scotch tape dispenser.
Once, right when I was just taking her out of her UPS box to put right in her warm new home and CHOMP! Right on the skin between my pointer and middle finger. This was yesterday by the way.:main_lipsrsealed:
Hahah. AH. I just had my first bite today, but I already posted here. Qamar dove for a meal worm and my finger just so happened to be in the way. He didn't draw blood, because we both recoiled pretty quickly- he from not getting his wormie and me from getting bitten. But if could have been nasty if he'd meant to bite me. D: