POLL: Should you tell a breeder that they incorrectly sexed your reptile?

Should you tell a breeder that they incorrectly sexed your reptile even if it is mont

  • No - Thats just rude

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Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
If they sold it as a visually sexed gecko then I would take a photo to show the sex and send it to them. It happens every once in a while especially with geckos in the 15-20g range. They're usually big enough to accurately visually sex but occasionally you get a late bloomer. Chances are the breeder just made a mistake or the gecko was too young to be 100% sure about. Either way, I don't think they'd be mad if you sent a polite note with a picture.


New Member
Winchester, Massachusetts
I bought 2 'females' last year from a breeder. Both turned out to be males.
It took a couple months to confirm and I didn't complain. I just wish the breeder had been honest and told me couldn't be 100% positive.

I just wrote it off as a learning experience.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I think the breeder needs to know, but it is a mistake every one of us has made. Just be nice about it, and let the seller work something out for you considering it is a part of their TOS. I sold a couple 8+ month old of N. milii that looked female to someone that said they didn't care what sex, they just wanted them as pets. They told me a year later that they both were males. Since I didn't have any extra females at that time, I refunded them the price difference between a male and female since they got a discount and free shipping to begin with.


New Member
I think the bottom line here is, as a breeder you need to be honest. No matter the reptile, if you dont know for sure if its a girl or boy then you should not say either way. Especially in Leos, it may be a late bloomer. Even if you temp the Leo to be female or male. Sometimes you will still get a male incubated as a female or a female you incubated to be a male. At least thats my experience. I know how to sex most reptiles. So if I get the wrong sex its my fault. I would tell the breeder not to get money back or a exchange in animal but so that the breeder knows that they need to be more careful.

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