Poor girl :(


New Member
San Diego
Update... Shes is eating like a pig at least 2 roaches and a bunch of mealies ever day or so.
Yes she does have missing toes on all her feet, that is from before. I guess the teacher said she had always had trouble shedding and she didnt know how to help. Thats when I met her with layers of stuck shed on her back feet which have no feet now just stubs.


Seminole, FL
What a relief! Glad to hear that she's eating well. I'm so happy she's in your care... she is probably so grateful for you. :main_thumbsup:


My Math Teacher have pet gecko so but it ws her son's, actually, her friend 's sister have two gecko but they canyt house them together so decided to gave her and also give to her son lol, they have gecko on sand later , she said gecko gotten sick and got impaction from sand so have to go to vet and tried , i think she said probably 6 different medinces, but some worked and gecko got better and is on retiple carpet. She went to reseacrhed about caring this gecko.
I asked her Do you have gecko on sand, She said No Never repeatly, lol.
Her gecko was very pretty! it has orange and have big black spots on back and have orange in it's tail. probably SHCT? or Tangerine?


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Wow! Those pictures make her look terrible =/ Im glad she is eating ok. I cant believe that teacher is so naive and promised another student! All she has to say, is due to her health she can no longer go with anyone inexperienced. Im so glad you took her home! Do you have any pictures of her now? I would love to see her progress


New Member
San Diego
:( Sadly Peekaboo passed today.
I tried so hard to get her well, she was eating and actually hunting her food so I thought she was doing ok.
Well tonight I went down to feed her and she wasnt moving :) she was on the cold side of her tank which she never does so I knew soemthing was wrong...
She was eating but not really gaining weight and she was also about 8 years old so idk what happend but at least the last few months of her life she was well cared for..
RIP poor girl :(


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Poor girl, but she had all the love and care she needed at the end. Something really needs to be done about that situation. If they teacher doesn't have experience or know anything about these guys, she shouldn't have them in the classroom, let alone letting it go home over the summer with one of the students. That's extremly bad judgment on her part and that is a little disturbing since she teaches/keeps an eye on children every day during the week. Shame it can't be brought to the principle's attention and something actually would get done about it.


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
I'm sure she was much, much happier spending her time with you, I'm so sorry it ended that way.

I also agree that this needs to be brought to someone's attention. At the very least, the school needs to have some sort of policy about either not letting pets go home with students over the summer; or having some kind of contract signed by parents to promise to care properly, feed regularly, and have visual check-ins regularly over the summer. If a class pet is being mistreated, it should be yanked from that home. It would be a darn shame to not let it be a learning experience for the kids, but the teacher sounds like she had no business with a gecko in the first place.

Irresponsibility like that is why classroom pets are such a rare breed these days.
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what's one more....
I'm sorry you lost her. I'm glad she was able to have someone to care for her. Rest in Peace little Peek-a-boo :(


New Member
San Diego
Thank you everyone and she really did seem happy I was very suprised when I found her dead.
I agree with all of you about bringing this to the attention of the school, but unfortunately at the moment the school is fighting to not be closed down(long story), district issues. So the life of the little leo isnt going to make top priority...
RIP little girl, Im sorry you had such a hard life :(

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