Question for the Breeders.


New Member
Canton MI
So last year i bred my pair of leoprd geckos and got three good eggs... long story short, i am planning on getting a lot more eggs this year (30-40) so the incubator i had last year is very small its like a chick incubator so im wondering what knid of incubator should i get, so i can incubate all these eggs... I saw one on LLLreptiles the pro mr-148 incubator (does anyone know if this is a good one for the price and also what size containers should i use for 2 eggs?


New Member
personally i would just buy a hobavator. for only 30-40 eggs it is not worth the money to buy the pro mr-148. say if later on down the road you decide to breed more then an upgrade might be warranted.

oh i can't remember the exact size container i use for egggs LOL


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I incubated over a hundred eggs in my hobovator this past season with an 85% hatch rate for leopard geckos (5th season) and much lower hatch rate for AFT's and coleonyx (1st season with both, and those coleonyx just wouldn't stop laying eggs, infertile or not!). I used Rubbermaid Sandwich containers that were about 7"x7" with perlite (Albey's method). I marked the eggs so I would know who laid them and which clutch and placed them consecutively in the incubation boxes. I could fit 9-14 eggs in each (the coleonyx eggs are pretty small) and the Hobovator could hold 4 of those containers so I could have 40 or more eggs incubating at a time. Remember that even if you get 30-40 eggs, it will be in a period of several months, so they won't all be in there at the same time. I am switching to the Reptipro5000 (similar to what you were asking about) this season primarily because it cools as well as heats and I don't want to have to put my incubator in the basement for 3 months again this season.



New Member
Dansville, NY
I bought the one your talking about from LLL.Reptile>com and it is the best incubator I have every had. Ive been breeding reptiles for over 10 years and before this year Ive only used the hova-bators and they all worked fine and i still use them. This incubator from is so easy to use and it is much easier keeping the temps at a steady temp.

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