Questions regarding eggs I just found?


Mr. JoBangles

Ok so I currently have 3 Leopard Geckos. 2 males and 1 female. (yes the males get along just fine. It weirds me out too.) Well exactly two agos today, I caught one of my males and the female "in action". I was pretty excited and immediately put her in her own seperate tank. Well, I have a hovabator but I let my brother use it last summer and never got it back from him. I intended to go get it back next week thinking I had at least 4 weeks until she would lay her eggs. Today, I went to go clean her cage and feed her when I noticed 2 full size eggs laying next to her. I have no clue what to do right now. This is my first time ever dealing with eggs and i'm a bit panicy because I'd love to be able to hatch these little guys. Right now I have the eggs in a little tupperware container on a wet napkin on the hot side.

So here's my questions:

1) Isn't 2 weeks a little bit too early be laying her eggs?
2) Will the eggs be ok for now until I get my hovabator back?
3) What woud you suggest to do in this situation?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
surrey bc canada
you caught them this time in action but maybe you missed the times before lol.
I have heard people keeping them in rooms where the temp is in the high 80s in plastic bins but I dont know from experience , do you have the eggs in any lay medium, vermiculite? maybe someone else knows more, but she probably had bred before you seen her cause i think 2 weeks is too soon to produce eggs and lay them , correct me if im wrong anyone :s


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It can happen in 2 weeks. The eggs, which may not be fertile if she's a first-timer, need to be kept in consistent humidity (check here for a tried and true lay box substrate and method: at a steady temperature with a max. of 2 degrees fluctuation somewhere between about 80-90 degrees. Your hot side may be the best bet for now if you don't have a better place. SOmeone on this forum incubates successfully in a closet; someone else has had babies hatch from eggs buried in the dirt in the cage.

Be aware that if you've had these geckos together from an early age (in which case it's less surprising that the males are getting along if they've been together since they were young) and this is the first mating, that the males relationship may change suddenly when there's an ovulating female around, even if you've removed her. This may happen suddenly in the middle of the night when you're not around to intervene and could result in a severely injured or dead gecko.


Mr. JoBangles

you caught them this time in action but maybe you missed the times before lol.
I have heard people keeping them in rooms where the temp is in the high 80s in plastic bins but I dont know from experience , do you have the eggs in any lay medium, vermiculite? maybe someone else knows more, but she probably had bred before you seen her cause i think 2 weeks is too soon to produce eggs and lay them , correct me if im wrong anyone :s

This is very true. LoL. I guess I thought that once they have done the deed once then they lost interest. Currently they are on a wet paper towel. I was very suprised by this and unprepared unfortunately.

It can happen in 2 weeks. The eggs, which may not be fertile if she's a first-timer, need to be kept in consistent humidity (check here for a tried and true lay box substrate and method: at a steady temperature with a max. of 2 degrees fluctuation somewhere between about 80-90 degrees. Your hot side may be the best bet for now if you don't have a better place. SOmeone on this forum incubates successfully in a closet; someone else has had babies hatch from eggs buried in the dirt in the cage.

Be aware that if you've had these geckos together from an early age (in which case it's less surprising that the males are getting along if they've been together since they were young) and this is the first mating, that the males relationship may change suddenly when there's an ovulating female around, even if you've removed her. This may happen suddenly in the middle of the night when you're not around to intervene and could result in a severely injured or dead gecko.


I am pretty sure this is her first time. I got her at a reptile expo last summer. My hot side stays around 89-91 at all times. The eggs are stuck together and seem very hard. One of them has a dent in it too. The two males did kinda grew up together. I put the little one (which is now huge) in with the big one before I knew better. (Pett smart said it was ok). I never noticed them fighting and infact would sleep together. I always just figured Jobangles was a female. Well two weeks ago I quickly learned that Jobangels was infact a Male after seeing him mate with my female. lol. I will definately keep my eyes on them. I haven't noticed any recent change in behaviour thus far but I understand what you mean. Thanks a bunch for your advice!

Mr. JoBangles

So the eggs today seem even more dented in and yellowish. There's kind of a smell to them as well. Should I just toss them?

Mr. JoBangles

Thanks Khrysty. When can I expect her to lay more eggs?


New Member
Oregon, IL
Usually about 2-4 weeks after the first one. If those are infertile, you can try to put her back in with the male (if you want eggs, that is)

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