Quick question about behavior



So, I think I might have the laziest gecko in the world. Yes, I realize they are nocturnal and sleep in their hide hole all day, but she spends a majority of the nighttime in there as well. Don't think she is sick, eating regularly, meal/waxworms gutloaded and dusted. She just never comes out for days sometimes, and if i take her out of the hole, when I put her back she just goes right back into it. She just shed, so I know she doesn't have to shed again this soon (she's about 1 1/2 yrs.) So I'm asking: Is this normal, or should I be concerned about her? Also, she does have her one eye shut, but she has been in her hide hole before that happened, so I doubt that has anything to do with it.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have one that has been in her hide 24/7 just about since I got her 5 years ago. Her cagemate is rarely in his hide. Unfortunately, it's just the luck of the draw. I don't think it's too bad, if she'll tolerate it, to take her out of her hide, hold her and let her explore. Maybe she'll become a little more outgoing.


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