

New Member
Hey, I think thats silly.. I have no problems with people having websites when being new comers... I am one.. I dont know ANYTHING about morphs but i do know a lot about leopard geckos... I made a website talking about my leos, with pictures and a bit of information on daily care... I also posted the reptile forums I use for when I have problems!!! I did not post anything about genetics cuz I dont know anything bout it, however, I did ask Ron Trempers permission to post his website so other people seeing my website could go there for any more information I might have missed...

Alot of people make websites either because they are bored! OR they want to show off their leos! I highly doubt any newby is trying to sell their off spring off a website lol no one would respond.... I had two friends that wanted to give up their leos for adoption, i put it on my site and got no responses!!!

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