we seriously do need a sticky on this. it is getting ridiculous. It seems like everyday someone wants to know what the outcome of bell enigmas x trempers or raptor x bells is.
we seriously do need a sticky on this. it is getting ridiculous. It seems like everyday someone wants to know what the outcome of bell enigmas x trempers or raptor x bells is.
ok.... Let just say you have a temper and a bell (no eclipse).
Tremper X Bell. Babies 100% Het. Tremper and Bell.
Now you cross the babies. Het. Tremper Het. Bell X Het. Tremper Het. Bell.
Babies... You will get Trempers and bells. How can you be 100% sure that this albino is a bell and this one is a Tremper (they are not always easy to tell). They will all be 66% Het. for both albinos. Also you have a 1/16 chance that you will have a homozygous Tremper, bell hybrid #&$*.
Lets say you can tell all the tremper from the bells.
You sell your trempers 66% het. bell and the next person buy one breeds it to a tremper. Lets say that the tremper you sold is 100% het bell now... the new person will have trempers 50% het bell running around and the WORLD WILL IMPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok... I was just mumbling at the end probably misspelled every word... But do you see what I am getting at... it just makes it very confusing for you the costumers and earths safety..........................
If they are just pets, why not breed a raptor to a normal? Your going to get the same thing visually... without the dirty genetics.
and what the % of babis I will get from mack DH bell and eclips X mack DH bell and eclipes.