Very nice gecko!! I've seen those marks occasionally on other morphs. I think it was Shanti (?) that has a gecko with a mark that looks like a ladybug!
Can I get a two-for-one exorcism discount? I have this one too, which is a Tangerine Dorsal Stripe. The spot on her cheeck is more red than the picture shows.
I have two leos with orange spots. Both are the breeders in my raptor porject. The first is the female, from Brightalbino. First pic is baby pic, with no orange spots. Second and third are showing her orange spots. Then the fourth pic is her tail, see all the orange there? I thought they were unable to produce pigment on their underside ? And then the fifth pic is her mate (and the daddy of the eggs you can see in the fourth pic ) My guess is that those areas are just high concentrations of pigment producing cells because of the selective breeding for more orange. Since both of my orange spot geckos are from the raptor bloodline and have carrot heads I think that carrotheads and orange spots are related. Since its the same thing only not confined to just the head.