The reason I thought a leash would be necessary is....he has gotten away many times and I always worry because of my dog, though small, may eat him and we are renting a house where the owners have put down bug poison. It would also put me at ease when I am doing something for a few seconds and he disappears' I understand what you are saying about unnecessary stress but I may try it once or twice and see how he reacts.
The reason nobody is posting anymore is because you don't listen and clearly state that even though you "understand" it will put unnecessary stress on your gecko, you are still going to do it. Another reason is your 13 years old and totally irresponsible going off of your quote of that "he has gotten away many times" and "when I am doing something for a few seconds and he disappears". That's just plain ridiculous. If you can't keep tract of your gecko, then either don't take him out or maybe you shouldn't have one at all. Finally, if your worried about bug poison around the house and you have a small dog, why aren't you worried about the dog as well???
You really should listen to more experienced members advice, they are much older and much wiser.
Edit: except Christina (sunshinegeckos)....she's not "much older"....just "wiser"
They have play pens for Geckos? Go figure... I should not have started this thread... Sorry everybody. It is not like I am some punk with a zillion tattoos who doesn't give the time of day to her animals, I was just wondering what people used for those who do have leashes. I even tried one on him and he could care less and it put me at peace of mind so that if he did jump I could easily find my speedy little guy.![]()
It is not like I am some punk with a zillion tattoos who doesn't give the time of day to her animals