Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
Leave the worms out of the fridge for around 24 hours while your gutloading them. Then take out the pieces of fruits and veggies that aren't eaten and put the worms in the fridge. Do that about once a week. don't leave the veggies in the container, they will rot. Use organic carrots, apples, kale, etc. You may want to buy some bulk wheat bran and oat bran and put the worms in a larger container so you can fit more worms and veggies.
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New Member
cool so let them feed for 24 hours out of fridge then refridgerate.... repeat once a week. Awesome =]


New Member
Well the one with darker browns is a tremper albino.
The one on the left of it s a Patternless maybe albino patternless
the 3rd all i see is the head.. looks like a normal to me..

thank you for the ID, yes that back one is a normal =]


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Just to add to what Chris said, you can leave out some worms for feeding, maybe a week's worth at a time, and store the rest in the fridge if you have a lot of worms. Be sure all veggies or fruit are removed before placing in the fridge or it will mold up and ruin your feeders.


New Member
UPDATE.....geckos are eating well and no more throw up....i think the heat lamps were stressing them out....i have zoo med UTH's on there now ANNNNND they are finally using the moist hide..well the male is any way =]


New Member
UPDATE 2: well my apartment busted me for the geckos yesterday....i guess it doesnt meet their criteria of a "pet" so i had to get rid of them....i cried so much (freaking weird how attatched i got) I could not get rid of them so i went and rented a climate controlled storage unit and they have a 10x10 room now for their 40 breeder, im going to visit them every day and feed them of course. I am also having and pet store build me a TV cabinet with a hide away compartment so i can set the 40 breeder under it, and it will roll out so i can take the lid off and feed and what not.... cant wait to get my puppies back home.


New Member
also currently looking for a i dont have to deal with the management at an apt.


New Member
What do they consider a pet?!?! You can buy them at a pet store - they're a pet. Not to mention the fact that they're quieter than dogs, smell better than cats and are generally more pleasant than birds or hamsters.

Heartless jerks.

Your dedication to those leos is so sweet though. Good on you. Really - you're an awesome person.


New Member
hey thanks....i am staining the cabinet i had made to conceal them...hopefully in the next few days i will have it finished and pics up....with the tank in it!


New Member
ok so update/question.....My leos are very active now, running around their 40 breeder, climbing all over hides, just having a ball in there. How ever they seem to be more agressive now as well. When i first received them the 2 females would let us hold them and mostly stay put. Now they are jumping out of our hands, wiggleing and squirming like crazy when we pick them up.....Any idea why they dont want to be held as much now?

also my patternless female will wave her tail in the air like a snake is this normal?


Seminole, FL
A lot of leos wiggle their tail like a rattlesnake when they are stalking their prey. They also wave their tails as a defense mechanism to ward off what they see as a threat.


New Member
cool i will look over is the deal though... I went to a show yesterday (my first ever) and i really fell in love with a leo there and i bought her and brought her home....the male welcomed her, my normal leo welcomed her....but my patternless snapped at her at first then backed off (seemed like the male took up for the new female almost) but then later i saw the patternless sort of crouched down and waveing her tail like that while facing the new female....

is there anything i should look for? the patternless was one of the most gentle leos of the bunch.

Pics of the new female soon....she is an enigma het radar i think, cant remember now, i bought her for her colors =] Also the new female is very similar in size to the rest of the gang (about 28-30 grams)

also i put 2 pinkies in their cage yesterday and they acted like they didnt know what it was....but when i came back from petco they were gone, guess they enjoyed them???


Seminole, FL
Ok I see a ton wrong here and can't keep quiet anymore. First off, quarantine. It is not healthy for the geckos to keep being introduced without quarantine. The two in there are very skinny and could very likely have disease or parasite which is now going to be passed on to the healthy leos leaving you with a bunch of sick geckos. Second off, your male is tremper, and you just put a het radar (bell) in with him and that's a huge no no. Third, get rid of the sand. fourth, if your apartment won't let you have them why on earth would you buy more.


Seminole, FL
Also, if they are all 28-30 grams, you shouldn't have a male around them at all. If he breeds any of them(and he will), being that small, it can possibly result in death.


Seminole, FL
If you can afford another Leo, you could have afforded two tubs and a small heat cable to tape to the two tubs bottoms (about $30) and used paper towels and tupperwares for hides, and done things safely. I hate to be a jerk, but you are taking a lot of huge risks here with your geckos. There is NOT a whole lot that you have done correctly. It is not fair to the leos.


New Member
its cool man i dont see you being a are just concerned for the leos. as am I that is why i am here....ok so give me a break down on why its a no no to house the tremper with the radar.
I didnt think about them possibly having a parasite, i can separate them no problem...when i saw they were eating better and being active i just assumed they were under weight and week at first and were now better...

The sand i feel is your opinion though....and all though i agree with your opinion i do feel you were an ass by assuming i had not already changed the sad out for something better. Just like i was an ass for assuming my leos were healthy now.

Not sure if you read all of the thread here but i am haveing a custom setup built so i can house my 40 breeder and geckos as well as conceal them.

im here for help not a fight my friend, help me help them.... i am actually thinking about giving the sick ones to a rescue around here so they are handled correctly. I dont know enough to nurse them back to health.

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