RIP Dr. Evil

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
I had the extreme displeasure of finding one of my favorite geckos dead tonight. Dr. Evil was one heck of a cool gecko. A perfect example of a blizzard in my book....even his eye notch added to his charm. Despite his namesake, he really wasn't all that evil. Quasi-evil you might say.

I'm at such a loss of words right now. Thanks to Fe and Paul ... it's good to have friends that share in your pain. I'm so sorry that this has happened. Even more, I feel like I've let you down Paul. Dr. Evil was one of the best gifts anyone has given me. I let you down, and what's worse is I let Dr. Evil down. There had to have been something I missed....some sign. But I don't remember noticing anything wrong.

I can't say enough about how great looking he was. He was one of a kind, and I'm really going to miss him. Worse yet - just like Gilean - there will never be offspring from him. I don't regret even a minute of the time I've spent with Cadence instead of the geckos, but I wish I had done just one pair now. His offspring would have been killer.

Dr. Evil ... I hope you've found that big bug farm in the sky, and you're busy chasing down the biggest roach you've ever laid eyes on.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Awwwww Shanti! I am so very sorry you lost Dr. Evil! He was a very beautiful gecko, and I know you took great care of him. I understand how easy it is to blame ourselves when these things happen... but TRY not to! It is devastating, especially when we don't know why it happened. You haven't let anybody down. I wish I could give you a great big hug and cry with you...


Let's Go Bears!
Grinning Geckos said:
Thanks everyone ... I love that you guys know what it's like. To others it's just an icky dumb scaley thing, but these guys are my buds.

Well put Shanti. You can never get used to the loss of our little guys. So sorry.:eek:


May Dr Evil live on in your heart shanti such a beautiful leo


New Member
I'm really sorry for your loss. One of my geckos died unexpectedly about 3 1/2 months ago (Tanga a.k.a. Autumn). Just like you did, I gave her the best care possible (albeit she was from petco so that probably had a lot to do with it). You took good care of Dr. Evil and he was a beautiful guy, sometimes things like that just happen.
R.I.P. little dude.

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