Well my fiance and I just decided we were going to purchase a Boxer pup to add to our family. So we went online to a "credible" dog website which we knew was over priced but came with fantastic gurantee's. We put a 50% deposit down ($610) and when the pup hit 8 weeks we were supposed to place the other $610.00 as the puppy cost was $1220.00. We in the matter of a day the transmission blew up in our car and our sewage pipe has roots grow into it which isn't covered by our homeowners policy. So the next day we called back expecting to lose 25% of our deposit (which the guy told us on the phone). And they told us we'd be losing 25% of the price of the puppy and they told us the puppies cost was $1370.00 so we'd only be getting around $270.00 back. In one day a 300+ cut. Now we're stuck with one vehicle in the shop untill we pay and forced to use the local conveinant stores bathroom all because this place wouldn't honor us with the original deal. So please if you are going to concider getting a puppy from one of the most prestigious Puppy websites on the net make s ure you're ready to commit and open your pockets and your butt wide because all the care about is making a buck even though their slogan is "we aim to put puppy mills out of business" It's been the worst week I've had in a long time now I must put a lot of my reptiles up for sale that I don't want to sell just so I can cover the cost of all these repairs. It wouldn't be a big deal if I was in work but being on workmans comp I only get 60% of my original income which is killing me Well I'm done venting. So if anyone needs any male crested geckos, 2.0 Mack Snow, 1.3 ATB's or 1.1 Colombian Redtail Boas please contact me with offers. (everything is breedable size and was fit into plans for this year which are now ruined.