Ron Tremper on KS in 10 Minutes

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Ron Tremper has accomplished more than any other Leopard Gecko breeder in history. His work with leos has given us so much, and without it it's hard to tell where we would all be in this community. I have a great deal of respect for the man's contributions, and if you ever met him you would like him.

We are dealing with a lot of very strong egos in this business.

But, we must keep in mind that he is a world-class marketeer... and a darned good one at that! How many breeders can 'tease' everyone with the promise of the newest and greatest morph, have everyone salivating over it, and then run to the bank with the profits when everyone jumps on the band-wagon to buy it?

Now, respect for breeders in the industry covers a lot of ground. For me personally, it's the ones that take their time to understand the complexities of the morph's genetics and how they play into the existing world of these beautiful, gentle creatures we all love. It's the breeders that have taken the time and effort to research and learn, as well as share this valuable knowledge with other enthusiasts. In my opinion, Tremper has not done this.

I suppose there needs to be a balance, and the 'perfect' Leopard Gecko breeder would have all of those qualities... the love and passion; the genetic understanding; the humbleness without the ego; the integrity to always be honest; as well as the marketing savvy. To me, Kelli is about the closest individual to that ideal.


Addicted To Leos
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Ron Tremper has accomplished more than any other Leopard Gecko breeder in history. His work with leos has given us so much, and without it it's hard to tell where we would all be in this community. I have a great deal of respect for the man's contributions, and if you ever met him you would like him.

We are dealing with a lot of very strong egos in this business.

But, we must keep in mind that he is a world-class marketeer... and a darned good one at that! How many breeders can 'tease' everyone with the promise of the newest and greatest morph, have everyone salivating over it, and then run to the bank with the profits when everyone jumps on the band-wagon to buy it?

Now, respect for breeders in the industry covers a lot of ground. For me personally, it's the ones that take their time to understand the complexities of the morph's genetics and how they play into the existing world of these beautiful, gentle creatures we all love. It's the breeders that have taken the time and effort to research and learn, as well as share this valuable knowledge with other enthusiasts. In my opinion, Tremper has not done this.

I suppose there needs to be a balance, and the 'perfect' Leopard Gecko breeder would have all of those qualities... the love and passion; the genetic understanding; the humbleness without the ego; the integrity to always be honest; as well as the marketing savvy. To me, Kelli is about the closest individual to that ideal.

Very well said, Marcia! :main_yes:


New Member
moved from texas to italy
Golden Gate Geckos said:
I suppose there needs to be a balance, and the 'perfect' Leopard Gecko breeder would have all of those qualities... the love and passion; the genetic understanding; the humbleness without the ego; the integrity to always be honest; as well as the marketing savvy. To me, Kelli is about the closest individual to that ideal.

thanks for explain what i can't be able to say about my opinion...
i think is a etic question in everyting regarding animals breeding and ownership..
if you breed or own any kind of animals you need to study behaviour, genetic and necessities of this animal..this is the etic from my point of view..working with this goal in mind is the only way that i think is right..

...a strong comparison...during nazist period madicine has got a special push and a big part of our modern medicine caming from those modern medicine save a ton of people around the world...but is etic where medicine came from?

big industries give at geckos big pubblicity...and now geckos are considered pet like dog...but how many geckos live and died in really bad conditions for this?
..sorry if my conparison is rude...but i don't think there is a romantic way to see what's append around with animals...and i think the most important think is take a choice: where i whant to buy my animals? at who i whant to give my money?....personally i take my choice and my geckos caming from who i think are reputable breeders...whith a genetic knowledge, but a big respect for their animals...
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Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
sorry guys, you did get me a lil wrong, and it is my fault. i agree with you on the thing about where we would be. but when you ask the man a question, and then he just outright lies, well you loose respect for the man. and when you know youve been lied to, you tend not to trust alot of what he sais. im not trying to get into detail atall here, but just take for example the whole giant and being co-dom and how he sold hets and what not...well where was all of that "greatness" of his. i agree that he is a GREAT marketeer, you said it better than i could have. in my own personal oppinion i beleave he lacks in personal morrals, like so meny other people in the pet trade. (plaese dont take that, that any one here is like that. i like everyone here). i dont think you need to lie to customers or potential customers. i know quite a few breeders that are just as succesfull as he is(money wise) with the bull he puts so meny through. through it all, i do have respect for him for what he has done, just not him as a person.

PS i forgot to say where i was going with the giant thing. any way i know he has lied to me. my question is as simple as if he has lied to me, then how do we know that he didnt lie to every one with the giant hets?
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Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Lets face it guys and girls, Ron Tremper has done more with leos than anyone in the industry... You cant take that away and you have got to respect it...

Respecting someone for what they have done, does not mean you have to like them or some of the other things they have done... I do not agree with some of the things he does but I do respect what he has done...

I find it more humorous that he is down playing the Enigmas than upsetting... If anything, you should take it as the highest form of flattery... You may not "pump' out the amount of geckos he does but you have alot more going for you than production... You are a pleasure to deal with, you produce superb animals, you took bells to a whole new level, and you are working on a brand new, smokin hot morph... Plus, I am certain you would not send someone a leo missing a crap load of toes without letting them know first...LOL... That stuff outweighs mass production of cool looking leos by tons and I am sure he sees that and could be a bit threatened by it... Dont sweat it....

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